Final Jeopardy: 11-27 to 12-1-17

Here are the Final Jeopardy questions and answers for the week of November 27 through December 1, 2017.

Mon, November 27 – Correct answers: 1
GERMAN GEOGRAPHY: Of Germany’s 16 states, these 2 at opposite ends of the country begin with the same letter & are the largest & smallest. show

Tue, November 28 – Correct answers: 1
VIDEO GAMES: The desire in his childhood to catch every insect inspired Satoshi Tajiri to create this 1996 game. show

Wed, November 29 – Correct answers: 0
FAMILIAR PHRASES: In the 1870s this phrase meant a hairdo, using a British word for bangs; now it’s an extreme group on the edge of a cause. show

Thu, November 30 – Correct answers: 1
WORLD FLAGS & THE BIBLE: The central image on the flag of this nation is a symbol of strength in Psalm 92 & a prized building material in 1 Kings 5. show

Fri, December 1 – Correct answers: 1
HISTORIC WORLD BUILDINGS: Rome’s Colosseum may have gotten its name because of a colossal circa 65 A.D. statue of this Emperor erected nearby. show

If you missed any of the games, click on the date for the recap with the Daily Doubles and a triple stumper or two. More clues from this week’s games are on Fikkle Fame’s archive.

What a tough week it was in Final Jeopardy! I’d say that Wednesday clue was the hardest. Tuesday’s was likely the easiest unless you had little acquaintance with the video games, the cartoons, the merchandise, and the popular reincarnation last year.

Jeopardy! champs for the week of November 27, 2017

Marcus Gresham won his second game on Monday but was defeated by Matt Preston on Tuesday. Matt survived on Wednesday when no one got FJ, but he lost to Lisa Kristina on Thursday. She won her second game on Friday, so she’s the one coming back next Monday.

To get on the top 10 payouts of the season, a player now has to beat Jen Sosnowski’s $28,801 win on September 13th. So the list remained the same as last week. Finally, don’t miss the latest article on buzzer skill on J!Buzz.


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