Final Jeopardy Clues: 3-17 to 3-21-25

Here are the Final Jeopardy questions and answers for the week of March 17 through 21, 2025.

Click on the dates to see the recap for each game.

Mon, Mar 17 – Correct answers: 1
TOYS & GAMES: Preparing for a course on descriptive geometry & researching the 5 Platonic solids led a professor to invent this show

Tue, Mar 18 – Correct answers: 0
CLASSIC TV SHOWS: Posted over the door of this show’s setting was a notice reading, “Maximum room capacity 75 persons” show

Wed, Mar 19 – Correct answers: 1
HISTORICAL HORSES: Named for an 1807 battle & valiant in one 8 years later, Copenhagen was this man’s steed; society ladies donned strands of his hair show

Thu, Mar 20 – Correct answers: 1
U.S. CITIES: Named for a 1775 battle, this city contains the graves of John Breckinridge & Henry Clay show

Fri, Mar 21 – Correct answers: 3
BESTSELLERS: It begins in the village of Juffure & ends in Arkansas more than 200 years & 7 generations later show

Final Jeopardy results for the first 4 days of the week were pitiful indeed. There was one triple stumper and the other 3 clues only got one right answer. That changed on Friday when everyone got the final clue. Going by those results, Tuesday’s clue was the hardest and Friday’s was the easiest. I don’t know… U.S. Cities was the only one I thought would stump the players.

This week’s winners:
Mon 3/17/25 $14,000 Alex DeFrank
Tue 3/18/25 $19,199 Alex DeFrank
Wed 3/19/25 $26,800 Alex DeFrank
Thu 3/20/25 $24,600 Cameron Berry
Fri 3/21/25 $23,601 Josh Weikert

Alex DeFrank started the week out as a new champ and became a 4x champ on Wednesday. He left with $102,400 in winnings when he lost to Cameron Berry on Thursday. Cameron was defeated by Josh Weikert on the last day of the week. This week’s total payout was $108,200 to 3 champs. They also paid out $15K in consolation prizes. Alex got $3K from that and Cameron got $2K.

Here is the POP CULTURE ANATOMY category from Wednesday’s game.

More videos on Jeopardy!’s YouTube channel

Final Jeopardy Clues: 3-10-25 to 3-14-25


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2 Responses

  1. lemmy says:

    I personally think as Jeopardy enters this super champ phase and much of the leadership has turned over, the clues on Jeopardy are getting more difficult. I often watch old episodes, and the knowledge base is a lot less obscure than what we see today. I dont know if it’s true, but it also feels like triple stumpers are on the rise. And the game pace in general seems faster. Ken reads the clues faster, the contestants buzz in faster. Even though there are tons of triple stumpers, contestants still clear the boards. From the point of keeping the game challenging for increasingly “trivial professional” contestants who compete in Trivia Nationals and Learned League as a minor league for Jeopardy, i get making the game harder, but the producers risk turning off the fans.

    • VJ says:

      Hi lemmy, I invite you to read Spoiler Talk during the week If you want to compare some old clues to new clues. I post an old category on Mon & Fri, and an old row on Wed. I think you’ll find that triple stumpers are not increasing.

      Also, once in a blue moon, an old clue will coincide with a current clue on the show, like it did on this World Aiports final on 11/29/24.

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