Final Jeopardy Clues: 12-9 to 12-13-24

Here are the Final Jeopardy questions and answers for the week of December 9 through 13, 2024.

Click on the dates to see the recap for each game.

Mon, Dec 9 – Correct answers: 0
ISLANDS OF EUROPE: In February 1793 the French were repulsed in an attack on this island from one just north that they controlled show

Tue, Dec 10 – Correct answers: 0
PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES: The running mates of this candidate included John Kern, Arthur Sewall & Adlai Stevenson I show

Wed, Dec 11 – Correct answers: 3
THE WORLD OF SCIENCE: says some papers of this scientist “are stored in lead boxes”, a “legacy that is literally untouchable” show

Thu, Dec 12 – Correct answers: 0
TV PROPS: A prop central to the title character on this ’60s sitcom began as a special Christmas edition whiskey decanter show

Fri, Dec 13 – Correct answers: 1
AUTHORS: Following his unexpected death in 2001, he was referred to as the “Monty Python of science fiction” show

Just like last week, there were 3 triple stumpers. What is going on? Last week, the problem was clues lacking enough context. This week, we started out with an easy clue that confused all of the players. Some may disagree about that but they are not onstage with only 30 seconds to decipher a clue they just heard Ken Jennings read.

That was a history and geography type clues, topics everyone should study for Jeopardy! The other 2 stumpers were in specific areas. One was geared toward people familiar with 60s television. The other was for sci-fi fans. That’s always going to happen in Final Jeopardy! where the category can potentially knock out a player or two. Sometimes we even see categories that favor none of the players during the game (like National Birds & Poetry last Thursday).

The easiest clue was Wednesday’s World of Science. The hardest for me was Friday’s sci-fi clue because I’m not a fan of that genre.

This week’s winners:
Mon 12/09/24 $22,000 Bill McKinney
Tue 12/10/24 $6,000 Bill McKinney
Wed 12/11/24 $18,800 Bill McKinney
Thu 12/12/24 $15,600 Ashley Chan
Fri 12/13/24 $13,500 Ashley Chan

Returning champ Dave Bond was defeated on Monday Bill McKinney. By the end of Wednesday’s game, Bill had 3 games to his credit and a total of $46,800. Ashley Chan sent Bill home on Thursday and finished up the week as a 2x winner with $29,100.

Jeopardy!’s total payout for the week was on the low side– $75,900 compared to $104,586 last week. The show also paid out $25,000 in consolation prizes.

Here is the TRIPLE “T”s ME category from Wednesday’s game.

More videos on Jeopardy!’s YouTube channel

Final Jeopardy Clues: 12-2 to 12-13-24


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