Final Jeopardy Clues: 12-2 to 12-6-24

Here are the Final Jeopardy questions and answers for the week of December 2 through 6, 2024.

Click on the dates to see the recap for each game.

Mon, Dec 2 – Correct answers: 0
POETIC CHARACTERS: In an 1842 poem, it is said of this legendary character that his “quaint attire” is much admired show

Tue, Dec 3 – Correct answers: 0
19th CENTURY EUROPEAN LITERATURE: An early version of this novel was first published as a serial under the title “The Year 1805” show

Wed, Dec 4 – Correct answers: 2
THE 20th CENTURY: This country’s national radio launched in 1925; 14 years later, it fell into a long silence following a piano nocturne show

Thu, Dec 5 – Correct answers: 0
BRAND NAMES: They’ve been described as having the unique scent of “slightly earthy soap with pungent, leather-like clay undertones” show

Fri, Dec 6 – Correct answers: 2
TV CHARACTERS: On TV in the 1960s & the 2020s, this character has a first name that’s partly from Latin for “death” show

Talk about rough FJs! There were 3 triple stumpers this week and 2 of them were simply lacking in enough context to help the contestants. Nothing in those clues were helpful in narrowing down the possibilities. Tuesday’s stumper at least had a little context. There’s no guarantee that the category “European Literature” will eliminate Great Britain, but it usually does. Associating the year 1805 with a guy who set out to dominate Europe wouldn’t be a misstep either. The clues on Wednesday and Friday both produced 2 correct responses. I’m in no position to judge what was hardest and easiest. I got the first 2 clues of the week thanks to my 19th century studies. The 2 clues I didn’t get were ‘easy’ Wednesday and ‘tough’ Thursday.

This week’s winners:
Mon 12/2/24 $17,199 Evan Jones
Tue 12/3/24 $17,987 Stevie Ruiz
Wed 12/4/24 $18,000 Stevie Ruiz
Thu 12/5/24 $25,000 Dave Bond
Fri 12/6/24 $26,400 Dave Bond

Returning champ Susan Beachy was defeated on Monday by Evan Jones. Stevie Ruiz sent Evan home and, with $35,987, became the week’s first 2-game winner. By Friday, Dave Bond was the second 2-game winner. The difference is Dave has a chance to add to his $51,400 come Monday.

Jeopardy!’s total payout for the week was $104,586 in winnings plus $25,000 in consolation prizes.

Here is the MONTEREY BAY AQUARIUM category from Thursday’s game.

More videos on Jeopardy!’s YouTube channel

Final Jeopardy Clues: 11-25 to 11-29-24


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