Final Jeopardy: Fighting Forces (7-27-23)

Here are some more clues from the 7/27/2023 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

HISTORIC AMERICANS ($1000) After helping women gain the right to vote in her home state of Montana, she became the first woman elected to the U.S. Congress

TRIPLE TIME ($800) As told in Genesis, these are the 3 sons of Noah

($1000) The 1805 Battle of Austerlitz is also called the Battle of the 3 Emperors, who led these 3 current countries

THE FORBES 2023 BILLIONAIRES LIST ($400) “The world’s richest woman” is Françoise Bettencourt Meyers; grandpa founded this beauty co., & Françoise is worth it (& $80.5 billion)

($600) 2 new faces on the list: this “basketball legend” at $1 billion & this “golf great” at a bit more

($800) He founded his sports shoe company “in 1964, with just $500” & he & family are now No. 25 at $45.1 billion

ANATOMICAL ANAGRAMS ($200) Above the toes & below the neck is this joint, one of a pair

($600) All of us here on Earth owe our continued living to this

WORLD CITIES ($1600) The massive Lower Usuma Dam was completed in 1990 to bring drinking water to Abuja, about to become this nation’s new capital

PLAY TIME ($2000) In this “small” Lillian Hellman drama about greed & ambition, a southern family plots to make a fortune by fair means or foul

STARTS WITH “H-I” ($2000) A 1932 article about FDR touches on his “Unexpected” this ability & adds, “the dramatic is not without value in politics”

HERE BE PIRATES! ($800) Andrew Jackson called this French pirate “one of the ablest men” in the Battle of New Orleans

($1200) Not named for pirate William, but for an admiral who died on the Arizona at Pearl Harbor, here’s the U.S.S. this, flying the Jolly Roger

($1600) In a book by Rafael Sabatini, “Captain Blood” is a feared pirate of this “Spanish” area of New World seas

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) It introduces the 10 Plagues & the 10 Commandments
($400) One of the 2 middle veses of the KIng James Bible is this Book 103:2, “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits”
($600) The book of this woman tells the story of a Moabite widow who was an ancestor of King David
($800) This “Song” has been viewed as an allegory of God’s love for his chosen people & as simply some steamy love poetry
($1000) The Hebrew name of this prophet with his own book is Yeshayahu, “God is salvation”


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11 Responses

  1. Jacob Ska says:

    VJ & Rhonda, I was loving the Business clues tonight.
    Ran the Forbes 2023 Billionaires category. 😁

    • VJ says:

      That’s terrific, Jacob. I missed the cosmetics company and the sneaker mogul (I was going to say sneaker king but he’s a different chess piece 🤣)

      • Jacob Ska says:

        VJ, Too funny. 😂 I felt Michael Bloomberg was overvalued. Most people know who he is because of his TV channel “Bloomberg” which airs all over the world. I watch it at night because it’s already the following morning in some other countries. In the USA we’re going to bed and people in those countries are already going to work or are already at work the next day. Best Business imo.

    • rhonda says:

      Jacob, I missed Lebron (shame on me) but got Tiger. I also didn’t get Musk (I know you’ll give me a s scolding for that one!!).

      • Jacob Ska says:

        Rhonda, No way I would say anything negative because I’m confident you got Bloomberg correct. 😁

        • rhonda says:

          Thanks for being so kind, Jacob, and you’re correct in having confidence that I got Bloomberg correct, thank goodness! Shame on me if I didn’t!!!

  2. Howard says:

    Oh my, I’d have been shocked if anyone had missed that creampuff of a FJ. Helped to know that France owned Algeria until around 1962. [VJ you have the answer listed as French Foreign Legionnaire.]

    Good 2-person battle tonight, could have gone either way.

    Re Chuck Schumer’s 11-23-63 bar mitzvah. On 11-22, a Friday, my parents took off work, my sister and I didn’t go to school. Dad drove us upstate to attend a Saturday bar mitzvah in Syracuse of a family friend, same age as me. We stopped in Schenectady at my aunt and uncle’s place. I was bored, so turned on the TV that afternoon, just in time to see Walter Cronkite break in with the bulletin about the assassination. The bar mitzvah did take place on 11-23.

    On that same subject, I knew Lifshitz and the future author from Prague. Also the French pirate and the sports shoe company, whose world HQ is not far from my home. Too many stumpers tonight!

    Quick reminder: an acquaintance from 30+ years ago, Sharon Bishop, will be on Friday’s show at the middle podium. No idea how she did, but she’s very excited. Messaged me on FB minutes ago. This is at least the 3rd woman I once knew who’s made it on to the Jeopardy stage.

    • VJ says:

      That sure will be something if your friend wins tomorrow, Howard. She’ll be the returning champ in September!

      P.S. I fixed the Legionnaire mistake. Thanks. It’s weird how I read that back to myself as “Legion”

      • Jason says:

        I came here to ask if it was Sharon or Monica, Howard! I def look forward to that: I’m going to say, out loud, that “I know her friend!”

        FJ! was just easy. True story, hand to God, I almost became a Legionnaire. I got screwed out of becoming a US Navy officer, and I spoke French. Almost happened.

        • Howard says:

          Think of it this way, Jason: you didn’t come down with Legjonnaire’s disease. (I know, that sprang from a different Legion entirely. As I recall, it hit big in Philadelphia while I was living not far away in south NJ.)

  3. Kevin Cheng says:

    This is it. Tomorrow is the Season 39 finale. Whoever wins tomorrow will get to relax for 6 weeks and come back to defend in September. Let’s see if we can end the season in a high note.