Final Jeopardy: Ancient Animals (7-26-24)

Here are some more clues from the 7/26/2024 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

IDIOMS & EXPRESSIONS ($600) Completing “give him his…”, it means to free him, but completing “hand him his…”, it means to beat him

($1000) This 2-part phrase meaning “completely settled” has a variation that’s been used as a hair salon name

A WORD FROM YOUR DOCTOR ($400) I’m afraid you’ve broken a brachial bone, brachial meaning a part of this body part

($800) When I say this is “thready”, I mean it’s barely perceptible & feels kind of like a thin fiber moving under my finger

WE CRACK OURSELVES UP ($800) After Tim Conway’s ad-lib story about Siamese elephants, Vicki Lawrence broke this show’s cast w/ “Sure that little (bleep) is through?” (Note: links to not-censored video)

“I” + 4 ($1200) Last name of Max, son of a famous actor father & famous actress mother, Sinéad Cusack

($1000) In “Doctor Faustus” Christopher Marlowe uses this name for Troy (Note: see poem’s 2nd line)

TOO MUCH OF SOMETHING ($1600) Hyperlipidemia, too much fat in the blood, is caused by an excess of this substance provided by your own liver plus pork & donuts

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) Just scoop ice cream on root bear for this type of beverage
($400) Serling or Steiger
($600) Per the OED, “A well-known conjecture is that” this friendly word “was a familiar abbreviation of chamber-fellow”
($800) This baseball pitch gets batters to hit a lot of ground balls
($1000) In computing it’s an acronym for a transfer of data to a temporary storage area


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15 Responses

  1. Howard says:

    Great game with rare multiple lead changes. I was clueless on FJ. 3 DDs pretty easy. Surprised he missed the one on hubris. Congrats to Rachel for nailing FJ.

    Guessed the German port. Should have figured out the brachial bone, “bras” being French for arm. Somewhat surprised no one got the Conway/Lawrence clue, and shocked at the hyperlipidemia stumper.

  2. Jason says:

    I was 3/3 on DD and got FJ. I was especially proud of “hubris”, which is eminently ironic!

    I thought this game was going to be just awful, at the first break. I was gratified that they picked up the pace and quality.

    As to Final, I thought of bats, and dinosaurs. That’s how I got it, easily.

    Wow, season over. Mahalo nui loa, fa’affetai tele lava, thank you so much, VJ!! It’s always a great recap, and post-show!

  3. Amike says:

    Why did Ken accept the Obamas without first names but required Rachel to provide first names for the Curies?

    • VJ says:

      Amika, I thought it was because of the Curies’ daughter, Irene and her husband. They went by the surname Joliot-Curie, though, and Irene was not born in Poland so maybe that wasn’t why.

      • Jason says:

        That makes me think of Ève Curie, when she said: She sometimes joked that she brought shame on her family. “There were five Nobel Prizes in my family”, she joked, “two for my mother, one for my father, one for [my] sister and brother-in-law and one for my husband. Only I was not successful …”.

        • VJ says:

          Maybe that was a good thing, Jason. She was the only one to live a long life, dying at age 102. At 66, Marie Curie was the oldest to die out of the rest of ’em. They were 🎶 radioactive radioactive🎶

  4. Travis says:

    Did anyone else think the final for this week were really hard?

  5. Rick says:

    A tough FJ, and regarding the pterodactyls, I would highly doubt that any such flying reptiles existed. Well, that would just be my opinion for whatever it’s worth. . Anyways, I also went with the saber- toothed tigers.

  6. Sam in Seattle says:

    Just want to shout out to VJ (and helpers!) who have raised our enjoyment of Season 40. The extra tidbits of information are always interesting and the page organization is so easy to work with. Many thanks for all your efforts and I look forward to Season 41. (Have to say, though – saber-toothed tiger with elongated 4th digit????. Really not sure what Steve was thinking -although I’ve also probably caused consternation with some of my answers)

  7. Kevin Cheng says:

    So we end the season with a new champion. This season saw a few regular games due to a lot of tournaments that we had. We had a superchampion in Adriana who won the most games and money this season making her the biggest champ of the season. What a season that we had. Summer reruns begin on Monday and Rachel gets to spend the summer as a champion.

  8. VJ says:

    Well, that’s it for Season 40! Thanks to everyone for stopping by to read or comment. We appreciate all of you. Next week, it’s back to tournament reruns for the next 6 weeks. We’ll put up “encore” recaps, so you can still comment if you missed it the first time around.

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