Final Jeopardy: 1960s People (7-16-24)

Here are some more clues from the 7/16/2024 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

FROM SCREEN TO STAGE ($200) From Latin for “to write”, it’s to write or draw quickly & carelessly

BRITISH AUTHORS ($000) C.S. Lewis was Clive Staples; this “Hornblower” author was Cecil Scott

LEFTOVERS ($000) “Neither shall thou mar the corners of” this, the Lord told Moses; that’s why Eastern Orthodox priests so often have one

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) Will Smith lived with his aunt & uncle in a posh home on St. Cloud Road in this title place
($400) 1964 saw the premieres of both “The Addams Family” & this show also named for its fiendish-sounding family
($600) This show about the Korean war won only one Emmy as Best Comedy Series
($800) Beginning in 1978 Bill Bixby took no shirt after getting angry on this show
($1000) A footnote to history: magician Fred Kaps followed the Beatles on his Feb. 9, 1964 show; Fred really had to make magic happen!


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11 Responses

  1. Taiwan Bill says:

    Along the same lines, from my notes, Leary was expelled from West Point after a drinking incident (among other things) that led to a court-martial. However, he went on to become an army psychologist.

  2. Esther Baran says:

    Thorstein Veblen was an American, born to Norwegian parents in America in 1856.

  3. Jason says:

    Article on TV Insider had an interview with Isaac, and he said he got the math wrong. And, like I said, he said he was really tired. I recall 30 years ago, when I took the MCAT the first time, and that was about 5 hours. When it was done, I felt cleanly depleted – like my brain was empty. I slept well that night!

  4. Rick says:

    I did well in the game, but didn’t get any of the DDs nor the FJ. Wow, those seemed to have been harsh sentences that had been handed down to Timothy Leary.

  5. Howard says:

    Missed the game entirely, so depending on the fine recap. Yes, Isaac erred on his wager. $901 was the way to go. Jay was more or less committed to his large wager.

    2nd/3rd DDs I could get. Should have gotten FJ but didn’t. Wasn’t familiar with his legal issues. Latin “to write” clue was easy. So was Hornblower author. I liked all those Classic TV clues. The younger (than me) contestants always know the recent premium cable/streaming shows and characters while I whiff on just about all of them.

  6. Jason says:

    Unlike Isaac, I got all 3 DD and FJ. I wonder if it really was the fatigue; he certainly didn’t look as sharp as he has been. I didn’t do the math to the dollar for FJ – that may have been an avoidable error on his part.

  7. Ismael Gomez says:

    Tough final as we got a triple stumper. I am sure someone will say darn those daily doubles to Isaac.

    • William Weyser says:

      Isaac got the 3rd Daily Double right. At least, the 3rd time was the charm, but it wasn’t enough.

  8. VJ says:

    Erika had a really bad time of it. Blank outs happen and she has my sympathies. Meantime, Isaac won over $200K and he’ll be back for a guaranteed ToC prize even if he doesn’t make it out of the quarterfinals. He certainly could have afforded to let Erika have second place. Just saying. Grrr.

  9. Kevin Cheng says:

    Isaac wagered a bit too much in Final Jeopardy and it cost him the 18th player to win 10 or more games. He should have wagered between 901 and 13,500 to win on a triple stumper. Jay only won 1,799 which is the lowest payday of season 40 and Jay took home less money than what second and third place players have won. 2,200 from the first regular play game of season 40 is no longer the lowest payday of the season. We’ll see if Jay can earn a lot more money than 1,799 tomorrow.

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