Final Jeopardy: Colleges (6-3-24)

Here are some more clues from the 6/3/2024 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

BODIES OF WATER ($1200) The French call it Pas de Calais; the English call it this

($1600) An active volcano lies within this country’s Taal Lake, which itself occupies a caldera

CELEBRITY LIFESTYLE & BEAUTY BRANDS ($000) Kim Kardashian started this brand to create shapewear to match different skin tones

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) A Beatles song was born when Paul McCartney’s driver said he’d been very busy working this calendrical impossibility
($400) Weird Al wanted to parody this Prince song by turning the year into an infomercial sales price as in “For Only”
($600) In a 1978 No. 1 hit, the Commodores sang “You’re once… twice…” this title
($800) The Proclaimers proclaimed quite Scottishly their intention to walk this many miles; guess 804.672 km didn’t scan
($1000) Regarding this Meatloaf song, it’s a yes on wanting you & needing you, but loving you… oo, sorry! Now don’t be sad, cause…


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8 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    The only 2 of the 7 Sisters that came to mind were Vassar and Bryn Mawr, so, I confidently went with Bryn Mawr. “Rarely in error, and NEVER in doubt”!

    That last DD is a different story. I said “The Persian Gulf”, so, I was wrong anyhow!

    Concur with Howard (natch) – the first round was fire!

    It was refreshing for the “Forrest Bounce” being absent today!

  2. Howard says:

    That first round was electric! Carol pretty much shot the moon on that very knowable DD, then collapsed on another clue or two and was done. For a while I thought that this being a Monday show, the coordinators might have pulled the strongest competitors from the week’s contestant pool.

    I said Vassar for FJ, knowing that probably was wrong. Princeton was a lame guess; never to my knowledge one of the 7 Sisters, Smith was a real stretch because it certainly wasn’t located in a town of the same name.

  3. Rick says:

    I see that the Beatles’ hit ‘Eight Days A Week’ came up again in reference to Paul McCartney’s reputed conversation with a taxi driver. Actually, ‘Eight Days A Week’ surfaced in FJ a couple of years ago which was described as a “work song”. In fact, it was purely a love song. Predictably, a big stink among Jeopardy fans soon followed after that snafu. Anyways, I took a wild guess with Yale for today’s FJ, but it didn’t pan out. Wow, that FJ was a real bummer!

    • Howard says:

      The “work” reference supposedly stems from Paul’s chauffeur telling him “I’ve been working hard, working eight days a week.” From there it morphed into a love song. So yes, not a work song at all, but that was its inspiration.

  4. Kevin Cheng says:

    If only Matthew thought of Bryn Mawr a few seconds earlier, he would have got it and would have been the only player in FJ! correct, but he ran out of time to put an R at the end making it a triple stumper.