Final Jeopardy: National Monuments (6-25-24)

Today’s Final Jeopardy question (6/25/2024) in the category “National Monuments” was:

From its ramparts, you can see the mouth of the Patapsco River as it flows into Chesapeake Bay

4x champ Drew Basile, a graduate student from Birmingham, MI, has now won $75,682. In Game 5, his challengers are: Staci Garner, a teacher from Chicago, IL; and Alan Elverum, a senior quality assurance administrator from Henderson, NV.

Round 1 Categories: Stars in the Making – A-Tattooed – Statues & Statutes – Won’t You Be My Neighbor? – Awards & Honors – Sounds Like a Roman Numeral Quantity

Alan found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “A-Tattooed” under the $1,000 clue with one clue left after it. He was in second place with $4,000, $1,200 less than Staci’s lead. Alan bet $3,000 and drew a blank so he was WRONG.

The title of a Tennessee Williams play alludes to this, tattooed on the chest of a character’s deceased husband show

Staci finished in the lead with $5,800. Drew was second with $3,600 and Alan was last with $1,000. All clues were shown.

Round 2 Categories: Literary Baddies – We Put It in Space – British Television – Lamb Chops – Kingdom – Come

Alan found the first Daily Double in “We Put it in Space” under the $2,000 clue on the 3rd pick of the round. He was in last place with $1,000, $4,800 less than Staci’s lead. Alan bet $2,000 and he was RIGHT.

In 2022 this new telescope captured an image of Maisie’s Galaxy, formed just 390 million years after the Big Bang show

Drew found the last Daily Double in “Kingdom” under the $1,600 clue on the 12th pick of the round. He was in second place with $4,800, $1,000 less than Staci’s lead. Drew bet $3,000 and he was RIGHT.

The unification of Italy put an end to the kingdom of the two Sicilies, actually Sicily & a kingdom named for this mainland city show

Drew finished in the lead with $11,800. Alan was second with $7,800 and Staci was last with $7,400. All clues were shown.

TWO of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


Ramparts are protective barriers built around forts and castles. The word might make you think of one of those structures. More likely, if you are American, ramparts will make you think of the Star Spangled Banner and the American flag gallantly streaming “o’er the ramparts” of Fort McHenry. Francis Scott Key watched the 1814 Battle of Baltimore while he was detained on a British ship, anchored approx. 4 miles from Fort McHenry in Baltimore Harbor. In the morning, Key jotted down what would become our national anthem after seeing the American flag still flying over Fort McHenry.

Fort McHenry is located on a bend of the Patapsco River. If Francis Scott Key could see the flag flying over the ramparts, it makes sense that you could see the Patapsco flow into the Chesapeake Bay from the fort’s ramparts. Visit for live views of Fort McHenry.

Staci thought it was the Key Bridge. She lost $4,401 and finished with $2,999.

Alan got it right. He added $7,001 to his score and finished with $14,801.

Drew also got it right. He bet $3,801 and won the game with $15,601. With a 5-day total of $91,283, Drew is now a shoo-in for the next Tournament of Champions.

Final Jeopardy (6/25/2024) Drew Basile, Drew Basile, Staci Garner, Alan Elverum

2 triple stumpers from LAMB CHOPS. (Please don’t put the answers in the comments)

($1200) Upon joining this fraternal lodge, members are presented with a white lambskin apron, a symbol of innocence

($2000) Since the 4th century, artwork of this saint of Rome has shown her with a lamb

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: Only ONE of the players got this FJ in “GEOGRAPHY WORDS”

From Greek for “chief” & “sea”, this word originally referred to the Aegean, known for its many island groups show


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6 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    If anyone recalls the first GOAT tournament, “The Rose Tattoo” was one of Ken’s correct responses, along with “nullification”, that marked him as erudite.

    Yet again, Drew missed with his phrasing. Also, his somewhat excessive celebrations are reminiscent of Jake De Arruda, who, likewise, alienated some viewers.

  2. Howard says:

    A very rare night when I hit all 3 doubles and that cinch final. Chesapeake Bay gave it away. I really thought Alan was going to know the Williams play. The category made it a near giveaway. And perhaps he’d have had the lead and won the game had he come up with it. Was a $6K blank-out.

    Disappointed no one knew the non-railway line or the amiable bovine. And why didn’t one of them know a Chinese city ending in “king” other than the capital? Their stabs at it were totally lame.

    On the word from Latin “to hang,” my answer was missing the first two letters of what the accepted response was, but I think it may have been ruled correct. Maybe not.

  3. Rick says:

    I did well in the game, and one of the DDs was a no brainer. As for FJ, all I could come up with was the Rock of Gibraltar. You know, I don’t recall the Star Spangled Banner specifically mentioning Fort McHenry.

    • VJ says:

      Fort McHenry is not mentioned in any verse of the Star Spangled Banner. However, it is generally well known that the failure of the British to capture Fort McHenry is what inspired Francis Scott Key to write his tribute to the U.S. flag.

      Fort McHenry is mentioned in the presidential proclamation signed by President Truman on July 2, 1948 that honors Francis Scott Key and the national anthem. It permits the flag to be flown all day and all night at Fort McHenry, except in inclement weather.

      • Howard says:

        Here’s a little tidbit from 60 years ago. The NY World’s Fair, just a few short blocks from where we lived, had a section of state pavilions. The Maryland Pavilion played the national anthem inside. A teenage girl made headlines one day by being the only person to stand up while it played.

  4. Kevin Cheng says:

    Drew has now qualified for the Tournament of Champions possibly a rematch with Adriana Harmeyer that he defeated her last week. He now joins the females for the next Tournament of Champions.