Final Jeopardy: Brands (6-19-24)

Here are some more clues from the 6/19/2024 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

ROPED IN ($600) Boxing legend Archie Moore called a defense “the turtle shell”; Muhammad Ali adapted it to what he called this

OPRAH-POURRI ($600) In 2021 Oprah used launch day of Oprah Daily, an online community, to announce she had gotten this & how relieved she felt

THE WHITE HOUSE ($400) In its history, this room has been used as a private study as well as where historic agreements have been signed

“G”-MEN ($2000) The G-men were after this G-man who was born in Chicago & nicknamed Sam “the Cigar”

GENERAL SCIENCE ($400) Types of these waves include love, primary, secondary & the “did you feel that?” kind

($1600) In 1948 this vitamin C advocate found that the polypeptide chain would coil into a structure he called the alpha helix

RUSSIAN LINGO ($800) This borrowed word is comfortable coming before either sturgeon or whale

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($400) Kandahar (1747-1773)
($800) Yangoon, sometimes called Rangoon (1948-2000)
($1200) Entebbe (1894-1962)
($1600) Quezon City (1948-1976)
($2000) Turku (1809-1812)


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11 Responses

  1. VJ says:

    I’m guessing Drew will try for another runaway if he gets a DD in Game 2.

    I’m gonna miss Adriana and her round numbers 😁

  2. Howard says:

    Heckuva contest, and props to Tekla for her late run. And in hindsight, a larger wager on that last DD would have prevented a runaway and likely resulted in a win. I thought all three DDs were difficult, and applaud all three players for nailing them.

    Did Adriana and Drew bumble the Gumbel clue, or what? He stunned me when he botched the White House’s address. I totally misread the Final clue, thinking “played” meant something musical. Just the other day, I correctly answered an online trivia clue asking which designer’s logo included a horse.
    Very surprised no one knew the ship that had to return to Tahiti.

    That $2K G-men clue was very difficult, but I remembered him because he was a pal of Sinatra’s. I forget whether it was Drew or Tekla, but they boo-booed on Quezon City’s country.

    At least one more day and maybe two of waiting till 10 pm or later for the show to air. Tonight wasn’t one of them.

  3. Jason says:

    Adriana started with $349,600. She got $2k for finishing 3rd. To my mark, that is $351,600. Saying “nearly $350,000” is wrong.

    I was 1/3 on DD, but got FJ. Also, got almost all the TS correct.

    A note on the USS Midway: we visited about 5 or 6 years ago,v when my conference was in San Diego. “The Mid” was walking distance. At that time, all the docents on the ship had been actual officers and sailors that served on the Midway!

  4. Rick says:

    Quote: “…….get something out even if you don’t think it’s right”. Unquote That was absolutely correct, and which was why I went with ‘Brut’ for FJ. Well, that guess didn’t pan out, but tomorrow is another day.

  5. Doug says:

    Are you sure Entebbe used to be the capital of Kenya? ‘Cause it’s actually in Uganda.

    • VJ says:

      Thanks, Doug, you’re right. I was talking about the location and typed Kenya by mistake.

  6. William Weyser says:

    1st, on June 2nd, 2004, Ken Jennings won for the 1st time. 10 years later, Julia Collins lost for the 1st time.
    Then, on September 26th, 2017, Austin Rogers won for the 1st time. 2 years later, Jason Zuffranieri lost for the 1st time.
    Now, on June 19th, 2019, High School Reunion Champion: Justin Bolsen won for the 1st time. 5 years later, Adriana Harmeyer lost for the 1st time.

  7. William Weyser says:

    Congratulations, Drew! You did what 30 or 31 people were unable to do, and that is beat Adriana Harmeyer. In doing so, you become our new champion, and who knows? Maybe, this is just the beginning of a long run for you as our champion. We’ll find out tomorrow. Again, congratulations.

    Well, Adriana, it had to happen sooner or later, but at least, I got what I wanted when you won big on your 1st day, said “I hope you can keep it up”, and you certainly did keep it up. Well, you leave us as a 15-Day Champion, and a Grand Total, including the $2,000 for 3rd place nowadays, of $351,600. We’ll see you in the 2025 Tournament of Champions.

  8. VJ says:

    Wow! Congrats to Drew. That’s what I was talking about yesterday — get something out even if you don’t think it’s right. It sure saved him from ignominious defeat!

    I looked up Axe (Adriana’s guess) and was surprised to learn that although it came out in Europe in the ’80s, it wasn’t sold in the USA until 2002.

  9. Kevin Cheng says:

    Congratulations to Drew! After a lot of challengers were so close to taking down Adriana Harmeyer, he was able to do so thanks to a gutsy 10,000 daily double that paid off. It was the right choice and I have to give him credit for it.

    We’re gonna miss Adriana so much but what a fantastic run that she had with 15 wins and close to 350.000. This wasn’t Drew’s first time on television, he was on the CBS Survivor Season 45 last fall and finished in 6th place. From 6th place on Survivor to 1st place on Jeopardy and becoming the latest giant killer.