Final Jeopardy: Contemporaries (6-14-16)

The Final Jeopardy question (6/14/2016) in the category “Contemporaries” was:

In an 1864 letter, he congratulated Abraham Lincoln on reelection on behalf of “The workingmen of Europe”

Current champ Hunter Appler now has 4 wins and $93,001 to his credit. His opponents today are: Zane Dowty, from Denver, CO; and Dana Thurmond Bruno, from Orlando, FL.

Round 1 Categories: History Repeats – The Entertainer – Patents – Biblical Art – Where’s that State School? – “Eff” for Effort

Hunter found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “History Repeats” under the $1,000 clue. There were still 7 clues left after it. He was in second place with $4,600, $200 less than Dana’s lead. He bet $500 but did not know so he was WRONG.

Like Anne Boleyn, this fifth wife of Henry VIII was also accused of adultery & beheaded.  show

Hunter finished in the lead with $7,300. Dana was second with $5,400 and Zane was last with $800.

Round 2 Categories: Fashion – Heroes – Modern Love – Rebel, Rebel – Let’s Gdansk – David Bowie

Dana found the first Daily Double in “Heroes” under the $800 clue on the 3rd pick. In second place with $5,800, she had $3,100 less than Hunter’s lead. She bet $2,000 and ruefully said she didn’t know. Alex encouraged her to take a guess. She did and, to her great relief, she was RIGHT!

From the Latin for “battlefield” comes this word for a fighter or dog who has beaten all challengers. show

Dana found the last Daily Double in “Fashion” under the $1,200 clue, with 6 clues left after it. She was in the lead with $17,000 now, $900 ahead of Hunter in second place. She bet $1,000 and thought it was hermaphrodite. That was judged WRONG, but her response is in the Online Etymology dictionary’s definition of the response they wanted.

David Bowie was a style icon of this look from the Greek for “male & female in one” show

Hunter finished in the lead with $20,100. Dana was next with $18,000 and Zane was in third place with $1,200.

ALL of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


In November 1864, after Abraham Lincoln’s reelection, the recently formed International Workingmen’s Association resolved to congratulate him in a address that was drafted by Karl Marx and presented to U.S. Ambassador to the U.K. Charles Francis Adams (son of John Quincy Adams), noting that “the triumphant war cry of your re-election is Death to Slavery.” In the closing paragraph, “the workingmen of Europe” expressed the belief that “it fell to the lot of Abraham Lincoln, the single-minded son of the working class, to lead his country through the matchless struggle for the rescue of an enchained race and the reconstruction of a social world.”

A lot of sites have the entire letter, but on Professor Alan Gilbert’s blog “Democratic Individuality,” he discusses his belief that Marx “offers two conflicting lines of thought,” indicting “Slave Power” while ignoring “ethnic cleansing of indigenous people.”

Zane bet $1,000 and finished with $2,200.

Dana bet $10,000. That brought her up to $28,000.

Hunter bet $15,901 so he won this match with $36,001. Amazing, especially when, just yesterday, Lou was wondering in the comments if Hunter could get up to Dan Feitel’s 5-day total and we figured he’d have to win about $35K today to do so. Hunter’s 5-day total is $129,002, exceeding Dan’s by $1,004.

Final Jeopardy Results for Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Two stumper from the Double Jeopardy! round:

LET’S GDANSK ($1600) In 1308 these German knights seized control of Danzig, aka Gdansk, & held the city until 1466.

DAVID BOWIE ($2000) David Bowie’s first U.S. No. 1 album, it was released on his birthday in 2016 just 2 days before his death.

2 years ago: TWO of the players got this FJ in “19th Century Novel Characters”

His “spinal column was curved”… the “head was between the shoulder-blades” and… one leg was shorter than the other”. show

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20 Responses

  1. Gilberte F Parent says:

    I think that the runner-up Dana should be allowed to return because her answer of hermaphrodite is correct as per the online Etymology dictionary.
    Please reconsider your call to her response on that question!

    Thank You:

    • ccb says:

      @VJ, you supplied the etymology link. do you agree that she should get a do over?

      Andy Saunders commented on The Jeopardy Fan that he disagrees: I’ve seen some other spots on the Internet hinting that Dana’s response should have been judged correct. I don’t really agree. Reputable fashion writers would definitely use “androgynous”; they would not have used Dana’s response at all. While it might fit the Greek, it certainly doesn’t fit the style half of the clue.

    • Marilyn Ahrenhoerster says:

      I thought so too. But even if they accepted her answer, it would only mean a $2000 difference as she had bet $1000 on the daily double. So she would have entered FJ with $20000 to Hunter’s $20100. Hunter would have bet enough to beat her.

      • jacob ska says:

        Marilyn & ccb, I agree with you. The clue was linked to David Bowie & hermaphrodite, to my recollection, was never used in describing his style.
        His style was androgynous as described in the fashion world. I always thought hermaphrodite was a term linked with chromosomes & how a person was born based upon X & Y chromosomes. Of course, I could be wrong.

        • ccb says:

          Not to make that big a deal out of it, you are agreeing with Saunders, not me. I would have given it to her because the word is included in the definition of androgynous as an adjective on the etymology link . (This is the only spot on the internet where I saw the link)

    • VJ says:

      @ccb, I wasn’t taking a position on it. (other spots on the internet hinting – LOL) I was just curious as to why she said that and was surprised when I looked it up that the etymology dictionary had the word “hermaphrodite” right in the definition of androgynous, so I was just including the info that I found. I think it would be up to Dana to present her position to the judges if she felt confused by the clue.

      @Marilyn, thanks for the math. I didn’t even get that far with it. I agree Hunter would have still won, assuming the rest of the round played out the same way.

  2. aaaa says:


  3. rhonda says:

    VJ, any chance you can post some or all the first nine clues of regular jeopardy? I lost track of time and tuned in late, very annoyed with myself. Thanks!

    • VJ says:

      Here they are, Rhonda — you’ll see why I said Hunter’s buzzer speed was intimidating 🙂

      “EFF” FOR EFFORT (Hunter answered all of these except the $800 one that no one answered.

      ($200) Bubbling like soda
      ($400) 6-letter term for a different kind of burning man
      ($600) Expunging, or withdrawing oneself shyly; it’s often found after “self-”
      ($800) The audacity! The shameless boldness! You have the this to respond like that?!
      ($1000) This kind of small apartment has a combined living room & bedroom area, a bathroom & kitchenette

      THE ENTERTAINER (Hunter got the first two and Dana got the $600 one)
      ($200) The person hosting & directing your attention at a circus performance
      ($400) A pyrotechnician is someone involved in the art of making these
      ($600) To entertain their customers, Japanese geishas may dance, recite poetry or use a shamisen to do this

      BIBLICAL ART (Dana got the $200 clue and every other one, except the 10th clue –$400 in this category. Zane got that one)
      ($200) One of his Sistine Chapel ceiling frescos shows the Great Flood

  4. VJ says:

    You could see just how intimidating Hunter’s buzzer speed is in the beginning of this game. Dana did a great job of keeping up with him. Low DD bets again, but Hunter’s worked out well, and Dana still managed to net a grand between hers.

    Here’s a link to 10 clues from the match

    • Cece says:

      Another Fiver, yay! Great job by Hunter, and yes, Dana was a fierce competitor. Her reaction after getting that ‘Heroes’ DD right was priceless.

      Nice tribute to Bowie. Effrontery—who talks like that? 🙂

      • jacob ska says:

        @Cece, she WAS a fierce competitor. A pleasure to watch compete.

        • Cece says:

          A pleasure to watch indeed. As much as I wanted Hunter to win his 5th game, I really wanted to see Dana play again. Oh, well.

      • VJ says:

        I got that effrontery clue, Cece. But I don’t think I’ve ever said the word out loud to anyone.. Around here we prefer to go with the much simpler “How dare you?” LOL

      • rhonda says:

        Cece, there is another basketball game on tonight, in case you didn’t know, but it should be the last interruption (for sports, anyway). I feel for you!!!

        • rhonda says:

          Sorry, Cece, I misspoke, the game is on Thursday night, not tonight. I got ahead of myself with the days!

        • Cece says:

          You mean they’re gonna disrupt my perfect little life again on Thursday? The effrontery !

          Thanks, Rhonda. 🙂

        • rhonda says:

          I know how you feel, Cece. Yes, what effrontery lol!! You are so funny and clever!

  5. William Weyser says:

    Congratulations, Hunter! We’ll see you in the next Tournament Of Champions no matter how far you go with your run.