Final Jeopardy: New York Times Book Reviews (6-10-24)

Here are some more clues from the 6/10/2024 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

CAPITALS & THEIR AIRPORTS ($1000) Its main airport is fittingly called El Alto & breathing may be hard upon landing

TIME FOR SOME DRUGS ($200) Carbonate of this element is the active ingredient in Tums, which can be used to treat a deficiency of it

($600) Before penicillin, bacterial infections were treated with these 5-letter drugs that are still used for eye infections & acne

SENATE HISTORY ($1200) In 1834 the Senate censured President Jackson for pulling all Federal money out of this (Note: saying 2nd not required)

($000) On Nov.15,1919, after 2 months debating the Treaty of Versailles, a fed-up Senate applied this rule for the first time

THE ANIMAL KINGDOM ($2000) The black-tailed deer is the type of deer named for this other 4-legged animal –no relation, just that it has long ears

THERE’S GOLD IN YOUR FUTURE ($1200) The 2024 Gold Wing motorcycle from this Japanese manufacturer features an 1833cc liquid-cooled engine

EMOTIONS ($1200) Tony Hale: “It’s not exactly fear; it’s kind of pre-fear–it covers a group of psychological disorders & in the ’40s, W.H. Auden wrote his longest poem called “The Age of” it

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) For a compilation album in 2018, Lisa Marie recorded an emotional reimagined duet, “Where No One Stands Alone”, with him
($400) He’s not only duetted with wife Faith Hill, but with daughter Gracie as well’
($600) In the “Hannah Montana” movie, they sang “Butterfly Fly Away”
($800) Here’s this Italian tenor & his son Matteo, with whom he recorded the duet called “Fall on Me”
($1000) 25 years after his death, Nat King Cole duetted with daughter Natalie on this Grammy-winning hit, remember?


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10 Responses

  1. Howard says:

    I should have known the Final. My parents were avid readers and read many best-sellers, including that one, I’m sure. I saw two versions of the movie but never read the book. Nice recovery by Adriana to nail that one. Aaron was about 11 years off with his guess. That one I did read.

    Thought all 3 DDs were pretty easy. Josh, who recovered nicely, blew the first one, which ultimately made his score $5600 less. Semi-shocked no one knew Victor Emmanuel’s country. Totally shocked “carbonate” was a triple stumper. The Senate rule was tough but hardly impossible, and after two wrong guesses, the third player should have nailed the motorcycle maker.

    Adriana had an unusual amount of wrong answers, including the Emma Stone boo-boo, but it didn’t matter in the long run.

    • Jason says:

      Again, concur. The carbonate – really?? And the Gold Wing?

      I got Victor Emmanuel. Was 3/3 on DD, but missed Final.

      VJ, I think the Emotions TS is 2 grand, not 12.

      • VJ says:

        @Jason, I checked the recording and, in one of those rare instances when I’m right, it’s $1,200 🤣

        • Howard says:

          Now it’s showing as $12000!

        • VJ says:

          That must be what made Jason think is was 2000

        • Steve says:

          Don’t be too hard on yourself, VJ. You do a fine job. It’s just might seem that way to you because more people pick out little mistakes than acknowledging the great recaps now and then. I often learn a lot from the websites you direct us to.

        • VJ says:

          Thanks, Steve, but I don’t feel too bad. Compliments and corrections are both appreciated, esp. now. My eyesight is pretty bad and I’m afraid it’s going to get worse before it gets better. I’ll be having a procedure on my right eye in August (after this season ends). Then, I hope I’ll be able to see a lot better when Season 41 rolls around.

  2. Rick says:

    I did pretty well in the game, but didn’t get the FJ. Then again, why would anyone want to read such a book?

  3. Richard Corliss says:

    Adriana, you go girl!

  4. Kevin Cheng says:

    Adriana is the first player to win 9 games since Ben Chan did last year. She will try to become the 17th player to win 10 games tomorrow.