Final Jeopardy: The Western Hemisphere (6-10-22)

Here are some more triple stumpers from then 6/10/2022 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

ANIMAL ANAGRAMS ($400) I saw this critter sneak into the yard

SECRET SERVICES ($2000) This country’s secret intelligence service ASIS was founded in 1952; its existence was only acknowledged in Parliament in 1975

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

Sneak Peek clues — U.S. DATES
($200) On this date each year moments of silence are observed in New York City at 8:46 & 9:03 a.m.
($400) For years 7-Eleven offered a little joy with free Slurpees on this date
($600) Punxsutawney Phil is known to make an appearance on this day
($800) On this date in 1921 an unknown soldier was buried at Arlington National Cemetery
($1000) Date in 1865 on which Union General Gordon Granger told the African Americans of Galveston they were free


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13 Responses

  1. Rick says:

    I thought that it might have been Paraguay in the FJ, but oh well.

  2. Howard says:

    Darn shame Randy had just a wee bit too little to avoid a lockout game (same thing happened to me, and it did no good when I got FJ and champ did not). I guessed Peru but really didn’t know. My cousin went down to Peru 30+ years ago and adopted an infant.

  3. Jason says:

    I got FJ! I really don’t know why I knew it, or why I was so sure.

    Speaking of, Eric seemed to be more sure. There appears to be a real learning curve. Still, this was a more competitive game, which is refreshing, even if it evolved into a runaway. I’m guessing the 4 game winners have been, by and large, eliminated from the TOC.

    • VJ says:

      There are still two 4x champs on the list, Jason. Check it out on the ToC Tracker

      • Jason says:

        Ah, there it is. I could not recall if it was you or the show proper that had that. I didn’t notice before that note that states 4 time winners and above are eligible. I wonder how that will shake out – that the other 4 time winners that have been squeezed out, if they go into next year, or, get summarily bounced. I’m guessing the latter.

        Thanks again for that, VJ!

        • VJ says:

          You’re welcome, Jason. I used to keep that list on here. I believe I was the first to have that feature, as well as the 10x winner stats. The show always had their “Hall of Fame” page though not in its present form until they revamped their website and I believe that’s when they added their ToC tracker. That wasn’t why I stopped doing my list but it’s just as well, since they have the final say on who’s in and who’s out.

          I would also guess the 4x winners will be “summarily bounced”, particularly since they are developing a Second Chance Tournament. Wait till they announce the criteria for that!!! I bet sparks will fly.

  4. Louis says:

    When I think of Peru and Serra Divisor park, it makes me want to visit it one day. We finished this week off with a new streaker in Eric Ahasic. Although he isn’t making big daily double bets like he did yesterday.

    A new 5 time winner means he is eligible for the next tournament of champions.

  5. DC says:

    Thanks for that video VJ. Some nice trivia. I’d be tempted to ask the “longest French border” at the next family gathering, but disclosing the answer might result in objects thrown in my direction.

    • VJ says:

      I was glad I found that video, DC, and I’m glad you liked it, too. Picturing South America directly below us on the map is something I have often been guilty of, even though I know it’s not but I hope to be able to remember it now from seeing that line drawn straight down.

      LOL at the longest French border.

      • JP says:

        One of my favorite YouTube channels, along with Wendover Productions.

        • Jacob Ska says:

          JP, agreed. Also I guess people don’t have globes of the world in their homes. We have one on each level of the house and neither one of us majored in geography. It’s more of a business necessity for us. Some of our investments are in conglomerates and it’s nice to know where the countries are located where they have subsidiaries.

          It’s one thing to read about the name of the countries in an annual report but it means more to actually see where they are located on the globe.

        • VJ says:

          Geography is another love of mine that has rubbed off on the twins. They love their wall maps, map puzzles and playing geography games on their tablets.

        • JP says:

          I’ve got a globe that was a birthday present from my parents when I was in middle school.

          I also have a large wall map from IKEA hanging over my couch.