Final Jeopardy: British History (4-7-16)

7 more triple stumpers:

GOOD WORKOUT SONGS ($1,000) This country singers “Days Gone By” & “Who Wouldn’t Wanna Be Me”

I.M. ($1,000) .im is the internet domain for this offshore British dependency

STABLE CHARACTERS ($1000) Trainer Wilhelm Von Ossten performed with this “clever” horse that seemed to display human intelligence

EXPERIMENTS ($800) Gravitational waves from 2 black holes were found to be little waves described as these in space-time, validating Einstein.

HOW “SWEET” IT IS ($2000) This liberal arts women’s college in Virginia was founded in 1901 & named for the plantation on which it was built.

EXPERIMENTS ($1600) Testing thermal coatings was among the 82 experiments on this fittingly named 1973-74 U.S. Spacecraft

THE OLD WEST ($2,000) These two lovers are seen in a New York photography studio just prior to sailing for Buenos Aires in 1901 (click on the image)
Jeopardy Triple Stumper

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9 Responses

  1. Cece says:

    I liked Ken’s DD bets. And luckily for him, he got all 3 right.

    Maybe it’s just me, but I think Alex should have asked Jeff to be more specific when he said Marcos (sans Imelda). I know the category title was “I.M” (and Alex likes to say ‘We all know what that means.”), but still… After that reversal yesterday, and all the other weird things that have been accepted/pardoned on J! lately, why not?

    • VJ says:

      Alex was probably still pouting over not being smart enough for the Prometheus Society. LOL. I actually get a kick out of it when he does that little brat thing.

      • Cece says:

        Oh, and about that $800 clue in “Pay” (and other instances)—Alex sometimes seems to forget that the contestants are not as old as he is.

    • EricS says:

      Idk. If he was a little more aggressive, he could’ve put the game away.

      • Cece says:

        True, the DD’s were pretty easy (though I missed “sweetness & light). But sometimes the player doesn’t get so lucky. 🙂

    • rhonda says:

      I thought he should have asked him to be more specific, too, Cece. Perhaps he was making up for the day before when Jeff was credited for his “initials” response.

  2. aaaa says:

    46/61 here.

  3. jacob ska says:

    VJ, You predicted it on the fj clue correctly. Congrats.

    On the category “pay” I noticed that the younger generation was not really familiar with this term or this plan because it is accustomed to purchasing everything on credit. Just go to the store and yell “charge.” Our parents saved and then purchased what was needed

    • VJ says:

      Thanks, Jacob, though that was more speculation than prediction and I actually felt bad for saying it watching Ken and Jeff play. Smart guys!

      Yeah, Courtney was kinda young and maybe the guys don’t do much Xmas shopping, but I thought they would have at least heard of it. I have never put anything on lay-away myself owing to my colossal aversion to long lines!