Final Jeopardy: Books & Authors (4-30-21)
Here are some more clues from the 4/30/2021 Jeopardy! game:
2020 VISION ($1000) In August an estimated 100,000 demonstrators took to the streets to protest against Pres. Lukashenko of this nation
7-LETTER ANIMALS ($400) You can find this wild cat, also called a puma, from Canada to Argentina
($600) In 2020, a Florida zoo saw the birth of an endangered slender-horned this; we hope the little guy is as graceful as his mom, Clover
($800) In Europe it’s a weasel-like mammal; in North America, it’s another name for a skunk
RANKS & TITLES ($2000) With great power, Peter Parker held the Royal Navy title Admiral of this from 1799 to 1811
SEE 3 “P”, “O” ($2000) It’s the type of engraved metal image seen here (type of image)
($200) Of the 12 signs of the Zodiac
($400) Of the 54 internationally recognized countries of Africa
($600) Of the 9 fielding positions on a baseball team
($800) Of Starbucks coffee sizes
($1000) Of the 27 books of the New Testament in the King James version
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Last night Jeopardy show is showing right now on ABC. Interesting! That was a fast turnaround.
I just saw that here, too, Jacob. I was quite surprised.
Rhonda. Me too. What a surprise. I read several viewers let their displeasure be known. It was a last minute decision about 3 hours ago I’m told to show it. ๐๐๐
That is interesting, Jacob! They actually listened to the viewers for a change!!
Btw, contacting a local network with a complaint does no good. The major network can interrupt local programming anytime it feels like it. The only contact that I’ve ever gotten feedback from is a company’s headquarters and more specifically the CEO.
you can record it at 2 AM same day.
Well emily played well today despite missing that costly 8000 dollar daily double in sacred books. She made a great comeback. Andy couldn’t get anything going and I think the nervousness seems to be plaguing him. I remember reading about the Wizard of Oz but I never actually heard of Zixi before. Sadly I missed this game due to the lame nfl draft. Why couldn’t they have put that draft elsewhere VJ?
Lou, I’m a football fan and I must say it was absolutely ridiculous to air the NFL draft on a major network. That’s the purpose of ESPN…sports. I was livid that I missed Anderson Cooper make his last appearance as guest host. I do not feel that my only option is to record or DVR Jeopardy at 2 a.m. the next morning. I want to see Jeopardy at the normal air time. It is a normal family get together time in my household. Disney which is the parent company of ABC network and ESPN got a terse email from me.
You did the right thing emailing the parent company, Jacob. It is so not fair to miss out on the last day of Anderson Cooper hosting jeopardy and it is disrespectful to the guest hosts to have their last day preempted. Furthermore I hope you have given the company an earful. We will need to.continue watching jeopardy at the regular time and not get interrupted by programming that we have no interest in.