Final Jeopardy: Textiles (3-28-16)
The Final Jeopardy question (3/28/2016) in the category “Textiles” was:
In 1939 this new product was touted as being strong as steel, fine as a spider’s web & more elastic than natural fibers.
New champ Doug Behrend won $16,401 last Friday. Today he tries for a second win against these two players: Erin Bowers, from Washington, DC; and Kent Buxton, from Kansas City, MO.
Round 1 Categories: Tarzan Review Books – Ways to Reach First Base – It’s Brown – Let’s Go Online – Republicans – Grand Old Party
Doug found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “Grand Old Party” under the $600 clue near the end of the round with 8 clues left after it.. He was in third place with $1,800, $4,600 less than Kent’s lead. He made it a true Daily Double and came up with Passover. That was WRONG.
Hemingway said his Paris days were like one of these, a phrase for a religious celebration that’s not a fixed date. show
Kent finished in the lead with $7,000. Erin was second with $3,200 and Doug was last with $1,200.
Round 2 Categories: Women in Science – 5 Questions – Chicago TV – The 1880s – Swamped – May I Have a Word with “U”?
Doug found the first Daily Double in “Women in Science” under the $1,600 clue on the 5th pick of the round. In third place with $2,400 now, he had $5,000 less than Kent’s lead. He went for the Daily Double again and this time, he was RIGHT.
In June 1960 she began studying verbet monkeys on an island in Lake Victoria, as a trial run for her later chimp studies. show
Doug found the last Daily Double in “Swamped” under the $1,200 clue. There were 9 clues left after it. He was now in second place with $9,400, $6,800 less than Erin’s lead. He bet $3,000 and he was RIGHT.
Sundari, a type of mangrove tree, is prominent in the Sundarbans Swamp located in these two nations. (showing the close up first)
Erin finished in the lead with $18,000. Doug was next with $15,000 and Kent was in third place with $11,400.
ALL of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.
“In April of 1939, DuPont Chemical introduced nylon stockings to the world at the World’s Fair in New York City. The marketing was ambitious — as the New York Times reported, DuPont had a model named Miss Chemistry “emerg[e] from a test tube, her legs coated in a polymer boasting futuristic properties: ‘filaments as strong as steel, as fine as a spider’s web, yet more elastic than any of the common natural fibers.’” That October, the company began selling nylon stockings for about $1.25 a pair — twice the price of silk ones — and despite the seemingly exorbitant price, the product was almost instantly popular.” (Now I A Run on Nylons)
Kent bet $11,398. That brought him up to $22,798.
Doug bet $7,900, finishing with $22,900.
Erin bet $12,001 so she won the match with $30,001, a great start for the week. Congrats!
These two triple stumpers were in the “Chicago TV”
($400) In 2015 this drama about Windy City doctors joined the “Chicago P.D.” & “Chicago Fire” franchise
($1200) If this sitcom was titled with the characters’ last names instead of their first, it would be “Mr. Biggs & Ms. Flynn”
2 years ago: Only ONE of the players got this FJ in “Literature & Opera”
An aria in this Shakespeare-based opera says, “Di Scozia a te promettono le profetesse il trono…che tardi?” show
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@SG, congrats. Finally 3/3. This really was an easy fj.
Btw, this looks like a good game. High scores. Can’t wait to see it tonight.
Easiest FJ in months. No great feat to predict 3/3