Final Jeopardy: Landmarks (3-27-25)

The Final Jeopardy question (3/27/2025) in the category “Landmarks” was:

This landmark features a relief of Agrippa approving the design of an aqueduct as well as Pietro Bracci’s statue of Oceanus

4x champ Josh Weikert, a politics professor from Collegeville, PA, has now won $59,202. In Game 5, he competes against: Neha Narayan, a research assistant orig. from Plainsboro, NJ; and David Weir, a retired court administrator from Palm Springs, CA.

Round 1 Categories: The Bay Area – Bible Fill in the Blank – Pass the “Ox” – At the Mall – Hot Topic – Dick’s Sporting: Good

Neha found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “The Bay Area” under the $800 clue on the 14th pick of the round. She was in second place with $2,200, $2,600 less than Josh in the lead. Neha made it a true Daily Double and had no response so she was WRONG.

Abu Qir Bay was the site of this 1798 battle, one of the greatest victories of Horatio Nelson show

Josh finished in the lead with $7,200. Neha was second with $2,000 and David was last with zero. All clues were shown.

Round 2 Categories: After the White House – Grains of Salt – “-ed” Creatures – From the Greek – Good Reads – Celebrity First Name Game

Josh found the first Daily Double in “From the Greek” under the $2,000 clue on the 12th pick. He was in the lead with $12,400 now, $10,400 more than Neha in second place. Josh bet $3,400 and tried arithmetic. That was WRONG.

If my math is correct, it comes in part from Greek for “earth survey” show

Josh got the last Daily Double in “Grains of Salt” under the $1,600 clue, with 4 clues left after it. In the lead with $14,600, he had $9,000 more than Neha in second place. Josh bet $4,000 and he was RIGHT.

He was jailed in May 1930 after a march protesting a British tax on salt show

Josh finished in the lead with a runaway $21,000. Neha was next with $6,400 and David was in third place with $3,600. All clues were shown.

NONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


Rome’s famous Trevi Fountain’s history goes back to the time of the Roman General Agrippa. He built the Aqua Virgo, the aqueduct that supplies water to the Trevi Fountain. When Rome’s fountains were being redesigned in the 18th century, Agrippa’s contribution was acknowledged with a bas-relief of him approving construction of the Aqua Virgo. The statue of the Titan god Oceanus represents the source of Earth’s fresh water. Learn more about these and other Trevi Fountain sculptures on the Roma Experience website.

Live Webcam: See what’s happening at the Trevi Fountain right now.

David came up with the aqueduct of Rome. He bet $2,801 and finished with $799.

Neha went with the Colosseum. That only cost her $801 and left her with $5,599.

Josh kidded around with his response, asking what the last-place finisher in the ToC earns. A zero bet meant he won the game with the $21,000 he already had. Josh has a 5-day total of $80,202 now, and a guaranteed spot in the next ToC.

Final Jeopardy (3/27/2025) Josh Weikert, Neha Narayan, David Weir

A triple stumper from each round:

PASS THE “OX” ($1000) A daring round chapeau with a flat top & no brim

GOOD READS ($2000) This Friedrich Nietzsche work published in 1886 was meant to further define his idea of the Superman

More clues on Page 2

Josh Weikert, Neha Narayan, David Weir
2 years ago: NEITHER player left in Final Jeopardy! got this clue in “BRAND NAMES”

The success of this brand has its roots with a hydrotherapy pump its cofounder created for his son, who had arthritis show


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6 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    My broadcast was also preempted, but I noticed after 10 minutes, so got from near the end of the first round on the alternate channel.

    Was 1/2 on DD, but got FJ, in the vein of “I don’t know, but, what else could it be?”

  2. Howard says:

    Turned out to be mostly a contest for 2nd place.
    Middle DD not difficult if you know “geo” means earth. Geology, geometry, geography, geodesic…
    I don’t recall any of the statuary at Trevi Fountain, but I do remember that one of the American girls we were hanging with got pinched from behind there.
    Somewhat surprised that the FJ from two years ago (hydrotherapy pump/inventor’s name) stumped the remaining players. What else could it have been?

  3. Rick says:

    Ugh! Well, another basketball game preempted the Jeopardy game in my area today. I’ll just have to tune in tomorrow.

    • jk says:

      There will be a game on tomorrow evening, too. Jeopardy is on CBS where I am (Fort Worth, TX), as well. We have an alternate CBS channel that picks up Jeopardy when it gets preempted. I don’t know if you have something like that where you live, but tomorrow when Jeopardy is preempted by basketball again, try scrolling through all your local channels. You might find it, like I did. Good luck.

  4. Ismael Gomez says:

    And we got a triple stumper for the second time this week.

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