Final Jeopardy: Acting Families (3-24-25)
Here are some more clues from the 3/24/2025 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.
THE LATE 1940s ($800) U.N. Secretary-General Trygve Lie was happy to take a check for $8.5 million from this Jr. philanthropist for the new HQ
($1000) Starting in 1947 this Berlin-area prison, capacity 600, held Rudolf Hess, Albert Speer & 5 other war criminals
ALSO A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT ($400) As a verb it means to make unskilled efforts at repairing or improving something
($1000) A public official responsible for documenting deeds
BILLS OF MORTALITY FOR 17th C. LONDON ($1600) “Lights” is an old word for these; “rising of the lights”, possibly emphysema or croup took out 81 Londoners in 1699
The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern
($200) This type of pressure is that of the Earth’s atmosphere; it can be measured in millibars or mercury
($400) Simmons, I’ll need the document copies this way– one for Larry, one for Moe, one for Curly
($600) Beginning with the Latin adverb meaning “well”, this is a person who demonstrates generosity with financial help
($800) As a verb, it means to plan & direct a complex & possibly evil scheme; as a noun, it’s a British game show testing on a specialized topic
($1000) The place where 2 rivers join together, it can also mean a place where 2 forces or idea come together
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Mustafa, after that generous late reversal, totally blew it. $4601 was the smart wager. It totally locked out Geraldine, and the only way he’d win was for Josh to miss and bet the likely $12601. He didn’t even have to get FJ right. As for Geraldine, she rushed her response to the easy Mortality DD, and probably could have come out a champion.
Barrymore came to mind for Final and I gave it no further thought. The “minus” part of the first DD threw me off. Third DD was easy. Knew the Johnny stumper but not from the Salami clue, just the Dead & Co portion. The Trygve Lie stumper was gettable if you saw the “junior” and associated it with NYC.
I was 2/3 on DD, and got FJ. I’m my mind, while waiting for the show to come back from commercial, I thought “Barrymore” (with Ethel, “the Great Profile”, and the ilk), but, when the clue came up, knew that wasn’t it. Took a moment, but got the result. I recalled the parents had been part of a cult.
It’s too bad on that DD miss by Geraldine. Also, too smart for her own good, in re: bear. But, being a research librarian, the .bf extension was easy peasy for her!
Well, I started out slow in the game, but began picking up steam. Actually, I performed a tad above average, but missed the FJ. IMHO, that was one tough FJ.