Final Jeopardy: Poems (3-23-22)

Here are some more triple stumpers from the 3/23/2022 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

SCIENCE & NATURE ($800) Galena, as seen here, is the main ore from which to get this metal out

($1600) Found in the swamps of Louisiana, this state tree derives its name from its appearance after it loses its needle-like leaves

TRIPLE THE DOUBLE LETTERS ($1200) These 2 U.S. states border each other

($1600) In 2 words, it grinds the beans to make your morning joe

($2000) This river forms part of the Florida-Georgia line

THE BODY POLITIC ($1600) In the west Japan’s national assembly, the Kokkai, goes by this slender name

Sneak Peek clues — FOOD & DRINK HOMOPHONES
($200) Starting peg for your ball on the links
($400) A matched set, as of socks or gloves
($600) Use one to kill the undead or to hold down the corner of a tent
($800) Large quadruped of North America with dangling dewlap & immense antlers
($1000) An unpleasant high-pitched noise like from a jet engine


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5 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    Mihir and Nadege were their own worst enemies, especially in double. All Tim had to do was not say anything, and let them dig their holes. That’s interesting, as his runaway didn’t come into effect until very late. It looked, to me at least, that Mihir and Nadege were just racing to see who could catch the button, and thinking they could come up with the response on the fly. That strategy didn’t work out.

    And, the cherry on top was a really difficult final.

  2. Taiwan Bill says:

    Another preëmption? without redemption?
    Today & Tomorrow, truly a great sorrow.

  3. Rick says:

    That was indeed a tough FJ, but perhaps the contestants will do better tomorrow.

  4. Louis Jin says:

    TS Eliot was one of my favorite poets.

    Perhaps Tim can break the string of leader curses here as he has a good chance of winning more games

  5. Ismael Gomez says:

    That was a tough final as we got a triple stumper. The poems weren’t nice to the contestants.