Final Jeopardy: Explorers (3-11-25)
Here are some more clues from the 3/11/2025 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.
RIPPED ($400) Incorrect efforts to get ripped these muscles can lead to diastasis recti, often but not always a postpartum condition
THE BUSINESS OF SHOW ($1200) In 2024 nepo billionaire David Ellison made a deal to acquire control of this studio that made 2 “Top Gun”s & “Double Indemnity”
The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern
($200) October 25, 1929, Buffalo Evening News:
“Curious Throng” this street “As Crash Wipes Out Fortunes”
($400) May 1915, The Taunton Courier: this ship “Torpedoed without Warning… What Will America Do?
($600) July 23, 1934, The Chicago Daily Tribune: “Kill” this man “Here”–“2 women wounded as outlaw falls on Lincoln Ave.”
($800) December 28, 1989, The Statesman Journal: “Troops attack” this Central American Leader “with rock music”
($1000) 1954, The Rutland Herald: “U.S. Airlifting Paratroops from France” to this colonial region
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Emily was sharp with the forwards and backwards category. I was (happily) surprised that the 2 challengers were so sharp. I never thought, after yesterday, that Harvey would only be a one day champ.
I thought FJ was rather easy. However, I was 0/3 on DD. But, funny enough, I have a stack of those first forever stamps from 2007, which I still use (of course)!
More Clues on page 2 link not working for me, but the numeral 2 did.
I came in late first round and was stunned to see Harvey trailing by so much, so early, and that was before his Albuquerque and Christine boo-boos. Emily and James were superb. Contestant coordinators wasted no time putting first-rate challengers up against Harvey. At least he’s got $25K to show for his trip. Emily’s a shoo-in for 2nd chance if that’s still a thing. At first I didn’t get her FJ bet, but now I see she knew James had to wager $12601+, would go down to $16399 if wrong, and she would have $16800 if also wrong. And she locked out Harvey who could end up with only $13600. A much smarter move than her DD wager.
FJ was pretty easy, IMO. Got 2/3 DDs too, guessed the movie studio. That middle DD is what won James the game, although Emily had a chance to seize the lead on the 3rd DD but demurred. I liked the Headlines and Forward/Backward categories.
Today is 3/11/25. Tomorrow is 3/12/25.
Our 1st over $40,000 payday in regular games in way too long. Well done, James.
What an unbelievable match by all three players today. We hadn’t had a 42,000 payday in quite a while but we sure did get a big payday today. James has the highest payday in regular games this season. I think that we’ll see Emily Johnson again for Second Chance next season because she put up a stellar performance and finished with over 24,000 and gave 20 correct responses.