Final Jeopardy: World Flags (3-10-25)

Here are some more clues from the 3/10/2025 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

PARTS OF THE BOOK ($800) The oxidized reddish-brown spots on old books are named after the reddish-brown coat of this wild canine

($1000) Dover Books’ “Medieval and Renaissance Fashion” has “90 full-color” these illuminating illustrations on special paper

LIKE PULLING TEETH ($800) If you need a tooth pulled, your dentist will extract it with this tool with a plural-sounding name (& no, it’s not “pliers”)

CELEBRITY MENTORS ($800) Saoirse Ronan said of this mentor who directed her in 2 films, “She’s everything I want to be as an actor & a filmmaker”

MISCELLAN-“E” ($1600) This 11-letter word refers to underfired porous pottery made from coarse-grain clay

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) To look upon someone with approval, whether secret or not
($400) What’s on this list of things to be discussed or done?
($600) Oui, I will have this cream-filled pastry; in fact, make it deux
($800) Something tough to understand, like an inscrutable person
($1000) This white radish is widely used in Asian cuisine


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2 Responses

  1. Rick says:

    It was a great game, and it was a clear runaway for Harvey. As for the FJ, I went with Kenya, but ‘France’? No!!!!!!!!!

  2. Kevin Cheng says:

    Harvey put up a dominant performance in his impressive debut. 35 correct responses and a Coryat score of 31,200. I think that Harvey would like to match Laura’s performance and become an 8 game champion himself.

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