Final Jeopardy: European Royalty (2-3-21)

Here are 10 more triple stumpers from the 2/3/2021 Jeopardy! game:

LET’S GO SNORKELING ($1000) Maybe we’ll see the beautiful Zanclus cornutus, more commonly known as the Moorish this

SCIENTISTS ($200) Roger Sperry used this part of his brain to prove that it’s used for analytical thought & calculation

FEELING LITERARY ($800) Eugene O’Neill drew up Greek tragedy: “____ under the Elms”

1961, WHAT A YEAR! ($1600) September: the Foreign Assistance Act gives birth to the agency known by this 5-letter name

($2000) March: with other nations disapproving of apartheid, South Africa withdraws from this body rooted in the British Empire

ATLAS ALLITERATION ($400) This Australian place got its name due to “the great quantity of plants Mr. Banks and Dr. Solander” found on shore

($800) This Massachusetts peninsula has the also alliterative Buzzards Bay to its west

($2000) This world capital is named for a lady who found a bronze Buddha there

FOREIGN ELECTIONS ($400) The Bundestag or lower house of parliament officially elects Germany’s prime minister, aka this title

NOTORIOUS ($1600) A 1950s psychiatrist predicted the Mad Bomber wore a double-breasted suit, buttoned, using this technique; he was right

Sneak Peek clues — A “KID” IN
($200) Using care is treating something with these, as if you had delicate handwear
($400) This boy band began with a city-wide talent search in Boston
($600) Harry Longabaugh had this nickname as a member of the Wild Bunch
($800) Parodying the Cabbage Patch Kids, these gross stickers were a sensation in the 1980s
($1000) this term describes children who have to unlock the door when they come home to an empty house


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11 Responses

  1. Rick says:

    Yeah! I also came up with Apollo for the final question.

  2. John says:

    I want to see that Beatles clue again. Was it their first gig or first gig specifically at the Cavern Club? Because they had played a number of gigs before they played the CC.

    • VJ says:

      @John, here it is– 1961: WHAT A YEAR! ($800) February: The Beatles are paid 5 pounds (total) for their first show at the Cavern Club in this city

  3. Sam says:

    Wow! That $1600 Notorious clue was poorly phrased. I confess I was thinking of a technique to button jackets – not a psychiatric term. Once again, thanks VJ for the splendid job you do bringing us this terrific site. You keep us on our toes!

    • Howard says:

      Good point. I did get that one (and six other stumpers). The clue could have read, “buttoned and double breasted, using this technique.”

  4. Lou says:

    Maybe Nicole could do what Brian and Zach did and build up a streak. With 22K for Steve. The toc isn’t in the future for him sadly. Apollo was also seen in the Disney series Hercules.

  5. DC says:

    “Nicole didn’t bet a Louis”. Well done VJ!

    • VJ says:

      Thanks, DC 😁 I also took the opportunity to use “penultimate” (from today’s J!6 clues) on the last DD, although I generally avoid it as a snobby sounding word. lol

      • JP says:

        I don’t think ‘penultimate’ is that snobby sounding of a word. If you rolled out ‘antepenultimate’, you could rightly be accused of snobbery, I think.

      • VJ says:

        That’s a good one, JP, and one I never heard from my Mom — she had a huge vocabulary and loved to show off. For example, Mom would not say “Don’t you believe me?” She would say: “Do you doubt my veracity?” 🤣🤣🤣

      • JP says:

        I’d like to sneak in ‘verisimilitude’ and ‘pusillanimous’ into conversation someday.