Final Jeopardy: Current World Leaders (2-21-23)

Here are some more clues from the 2/21/2023 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

The players got all the clues in ON TIKTOK except the $600 clue:

($200) TikTok is replete with videos of this game from childhood where only one seat remains when the song stops for the last time
($400) The 12-3-30 viral workout had people walking on this at a 12% incline at 3 mph for 30 minutes
($600) A big food trend a couple years back was this fluffy baked item made with egg whites, sugar & cornstarch
($800) Sadly, in 2022 it was a final “no bones” for TikTok star Noodle, this breed of dog, who passed away at 14
($1000) Famous for his silent reaction videos & spoofs, he dethroned Charli D’Amelio as the most-followed TikTok star


The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

Sneak Peek clues — THE REST OF THE WORLD IN 2018 & ’19
($200) The joint European & Japanese space mission BepiColombo was launched to study this innermost planet
($400) Reports of these man-made fliers near London’s Gatwick Airport led to the cancellation or diversion of about 1,000 flights
($600) Hopes of peace were raised when North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un entered this buffer area to meet with South Korean Pres. Moon
($800) In June 2018 Saudi Arabia lifted a longtime ban allowing women to legally do this for the first time since 1957
($1000) Turkish troops began 2018 with an offensive to take Kurdish territory in the north of this war-torn nation


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5 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    I said Portugal, too! I read an article online today written by Jack (not knowing he was on tonight’s show), so, when he showed up, I was rooting for him. Still, Avi showed his chops, so, good on him! I had to turn on the subtitles, but, when he hit the DD, he said to Jack, “Not getting rid of me that easily”, and, I had to chuckle a bit!

    Still, ugh, every hesitation and stop from Mayim just grates on me. She just doesn’t sound as polished as Ken. When she adds something after a response, it sounds so forced, not natural (like saying the whole name of NOAA). I hope the rest of the contestants are as powerful as this evening!

    • Otto says:

      I was chided once here for pointing out Mayim’s quirks. That said, I kinda like her on Celebrity Jeopardy where her far less polished approach works fine with the casualness (and often stupidity) of that show.

      • VJ says:

        Well, I’m sorry. I don’t like to sound like a broken record but I don’t see why there even has to be a comparison between Ken and Mayim. They have their different styles, yes, but Ken does some of the things Mayim has been criticized for, like adding little quips and tidbits to the answers.

        I also don’t care to childishly go tit for tat on that stuff, like she sounds so forced? What do Ken’s repetitious “oh, wow’s” sound like? (I save that for whenever my son tells me how much he likes Ken. I say, “oh, wow!” 🤣🤣 )

        Personally, I think Mayim should get extra hazard pay with all the abuse directed at her on Twitter, plus all the “I’m not watching till Ken comes back.” I have no control over who hosts the show. If I did, Buzzy and Brooke Burns would be co-hosts. So at least over here, the best thing is to send hosting complaints to the show.

  2. Travis says:

    I thought that final was pretty tough, I guessed Portugal. After seeing the right answer it makes sense though, would have never got it though.

  3. VJ says:

    Alison’s appearance was announced on the local news here in Houston right before the show aired 😀