Final Jeopardy: Opera Title Names (12-4-19)

Here are 4 more triple stumpers from the 12-4-19 Jeopardy game:

THE SONG (BY PARENTHETICAL TITLE) ($800) Meat Loaf: “(But I Won’t Do That)” (But do start the title with a contraction)

($1000) A hit for Rob Thomas in 2019: “(Dying Young)”

TIGER TALK ($400) In Clemson’s fight song this phrase follows “Where’s that tiger?”

LET’S SCIENCE THE HECK OUT OF THIS ($2000) The drum fish gets its name from the noise it makes when internal muscles resonate through this air sac

Answers to the Sneak Peek clues: OSCAR ONE OF A KINDS:

($400) The only Oscar-winning vehicle for this due, Stan & Ollie, was the 1932 short film “The Music Box”
($800) Starring Dustin Hoffman & Jon Voight, it’s the only X-rated movie to win best picture
($1200) The only statuette made of this was a special award to Edgar Bergen, in honor of his pal, Charlie McCarthy
($1600) The only silent-era Best Picture was this 1927 film about World War I flyboys
($2000) The only winner for Best Actress for playing a saint was Jennifer Jones for playing this peasant
girl of Lourdes


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8 Responses

  1. Howard says:

    I know next to nothing about opera, but “Don Giovanni” came to mind first. But I changed it to “Don Juan” because of the flames reference. I thought that might have been acceptable, except “Don Juan in Hell” wasn’t an opera and therefore didn’t fit the category Opera Title Names.

  2. Richard Corliss says:

    There was clue on X-Rated movie, which reminds me of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Cynthia Rowley saying that incorrect answer of the 5 movie ratings.

  3. Albert says:

    Trebek was rude and disrespectful when he pointed out that the other two were blown out or blown away. We already know that. That is why I will NOT miss Trebek when there is a new host.

    • JP says:

      An interesting take to be sure.

    • VJ says:

      What Alex said was “My gosh! Look at your score– $35,200! I mean, it is one thing to turn the game into a runaway. It is another thing to blow away your opponents. Most impressive.”

      Everybody has different levels of sensitivities, I know, but I don’t think that hurt the other players’ feelings. They were good sports and you don’t know what they said to each other about the game afterwards. I know I would have said something like, wow, you sure kicked my butt six ways to Sunday!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

  4. Lou says:

    Jennifer dominated the whole game today and is pretty quick on the buzzer. I think she could be our next streaker if this keeps up. At least the triple stumper in final jeopardy has been broken. Though I would love to see a triple solve tomorrow hopefully, VJ. And I hope Jen can break the curse.

    • VJ says:

      Yup, that was a most impressive first game for Jennifer. Nice to see the dramatic drop in triple stumpers, too.

      LINK: more clues from the game