Final Jeopardy: Theater Etymology (12-31-24)

Here are some more clues from the 12/31/2024 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

KNOTTY ENTERTAINMENT ($1200) This duo behind the viral hit “The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?)” made a song & a dance around doing a trucker’s hitch knot

($2000) In this 2016 war film, Andrew Garfield uses a double-loop knot to lower injured soldiers down a cliff

SINK, SANK, SUNK ($800) More than 100 luckless ladies perished in 1835 when the Neva, this type of transport, sank en route from Cork to Sydney

MODERN ABBREVIATIONS ($400) WSG is short for this, like when you’re inquiring as to how another’s day is going

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

($200) Puyallup, San Jose
($400) Paducah, Sheboygan
($600) South Hadley, Rehoboth Beach
($800) Fort Collins, Deadwood
($1000) Klamath Falls, North Las Vegas


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11 Responses

  1. Howard says:

    Didn’t see the show, but I can see I missed FJ, the first 2 DDs, and the listed stumpers. At least the time zones were fun and easy.

  2. Jason says:

    1/3 on DD and got FJ. In fact, Final was almost immediate. I thought of pancreas and pankration.

  3. Rick says:

    For being a chemistry professor, Mike was not quick on the draw when it came time to name the most common element in organic chemistry. Gee, I never did all that well in the course during my college years, but I did come up the correct response instantly. Anyways, I did well above average in the game, but the FJ was an absolute bummer. From my understanding, ‘pantomime’ is a theatrical performance solely composed of gestures rather than speech.

  4. Wendy says:

    There were times that Kaitlin Tarr did not answer in the form of a question (but notwiththerightanswer.) Was that missed by the host on the show, or was the question part edited out for time?

    • VJ says:

      Hi Wendy, I noticed that on a Mythology clue in the second round. It sounded like Kaitlin only said “Tera” though I heard a little sibilance as if she swallowed the word “who’s”. Regardless, there really was no reason for Ken to point it out if she forgot to answer in the form of question when her answer was wrong.

      He only has to point it out if a correct answer is rejected for forgetting to phrase it in question form.

  5. VJ says:

    I hope everyone who’s staying up to usher in 2025 has a fun time.

    I’m so tired, I know I’m going to fall asleep early but I think it’s more than likely they’ll wake me up with the bleeping fireworks.

  6. Doug Hicton says:

    Check your $400 and $600 responses in the Time Zone category. You have them reversed.

  7. Kevin Cheng says:

    Today was the last game of 2024 and we ended the year with a clue that stumped all three players. We’ll find out who win join Will and Kaitlin in the finals tomorrow.

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