Final Jeopardy: International Motoring (12-19-14)

The Final Jeopardy question (12/19/2014), in the category “International Motoring” was:

One of the 3 European Union countries besides the United Kingdom that have not switched to driving on the right.

New champ Kevin Hozey won $27,601 in yesterday’s game. He’ll be back on Monday if he can defeat these two players:  Chris Trumpy, from Ventura, CA; and  Allison Fraser, from Alexandria, VA.

Before announcing the first round categories, Alex said Kevin was leading “throughout” in yesterday’s game. Just for the record, Kevin took the lead away from Kurt in the second round.

Round 1: Allison found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “Cookbooks” under the $600 clue. She just got out of the red and had zero. The leader at this point was Chris, with $1,000. She wagered the $1,000 allowance and she was RIGHT and in a tie with Chris.

The subtitle of “Tagines & Couscous” mentions this country whose cuisine it features. show

Kevin finished in the lead with $6,800. Allison was second with $2,800 and Chris was last with $1,000.

Round 2: Chris found the first Daily Double in “Ends in ‘X'” under the $800 clue. Now he was in the hole for $600 and Allison was in the lead with $9,600. He bet the $2,000 allowance and he was RIGHT.

Elastane is another name for this fabric. show

Allison found the last Daily Double in “The Sakharov Prize” under the $1,600 clue. In the lead with $16,000, she had $7,600 more than Kevin in second place and didn’t need to bet a whole lot to get a runaway. She bet $4,000 and she was RIGHT.

Alexander Dubcek was honored in 1989, 21 years after leading this city’s brief “Spring”. show

Allison finished in the lead with $20,000. Kevin was next with $8,400 and Chris was in third place with $5,000.

TWO of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


World Standards has a complete history of the hows, whys and wheres of driving on the left, and says “In the past, almost everybody travelled on the left side of the road because that was the most sensible option for feudal, violent societies. Since most people are right-handed, swordsmen preferred to keep to the left in order to have their right arm nearer to an opponent and their scabbard further from him. Moreover, it reduced the chance of the scabbard (worn on the left) hitting other people,” going on to explain how that evolved. Click here for their world map (looks like Malta was too small to get the right color but the list info is correct).

Random coincidence: The FJ clue from 2 years ago (below) had 3 possible answers, too.

Chris picked Poland. He lost his $3,406 bet and finished with $1,594.

Kevin got it right with Ireland. He bet $1,700, finishing with $10,100.

Allison got it right with the same answer as Kevin. She added $500 to her already winning total, bringing her up to $20,500. She will return on Monday as the new Jeopardy! champ.

FJ Results: 12-19-14

Allison Fraser is a stay-at-home mom. During the chat she talked about being about 10 feet away from lions while on a safari in Kenya. She was in a vehicle with no sides but Alex said it doesn’t matter. The lions will completely ignore you if you are in a vehicle. She declined his suggestion to get out of the vehicle the next time she goes.

2 years ago:: TWO of the players got this FJ in “World Capitals”

One of the 3 national capitals made up of 2 words that begin with the same letter. show

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5 Responses

  1. VJ says:

    I hope we see the clue of the day on Monday, too !!

  2. john blahuta says:

    so we are 5 for 15 for the week…33.33%

    for me this was easy, because i drove in all 3 countries myself. the dubcek dd was also easy for me, since i served in the austrian army in 1968/69 when the soviets invaded czechoslovakia…..

  3. jacob ska says:

    Surprised at the triple stumpers under the Economics category on “business cycle” and “quantitative easing.” QE has been in the news a lot.

    Well played game overall especially by Allison. She is sharp. Glad to see Chris bounce back from being in the red on that “spandex” response.

    Loved fj. I expect we will be seeing another EU clue soon since Lithuania is to join the eurozone January 1, 2015 as it will no longer use its current currency after that date.

    • john blahuta says:

      i agree. too bad that the euro is in a dive right now… one of my ss checks comes from austria and is in euros.. lithuania is already a member but will finally switch to the euro. de facto nobody wants or uses the litas anyway, since the economy is so/so. same with hungary, still using the forint. i am surprised though that sweden (a strong country) sticks with the krona. the u.k. is running the euro de facto at least concurrently with the pound. but they won’t kick you out in sweden if you pay with euros, they just might give you a worse exchange rate… :):) no, seriously, the euro is as accepted in sweden as the krona.. just a “safety net” i guess.

      have a good one, jacob !! see you monday as well!!

    • Nullifidian says:

      Forget the economics category, I was amazed that Sophocles was a triple stumper. Does nobody study Oedipus the King in high school anymore? (I’m only 34, so I’m younger or equivalent to all these contestants, and I studied in it in 10th grade World Lit.)