Final Jeopardy: Sports Teams (11-14-24)

The Final Jeopardy question (11/14/2024) in the category “Sports Team” was:

Fittingly, this team was born on November 1, 1966, the day the franchise was awarded

New champ Evan Dorey, a data analytics director from Toronto, Ontario, won $29,200 yesterday. In Game 2, his opponents are: Steven Czekala, a retired dentist from Oakland, CA; and Stephanie Asalone, a former 401k processor from orig. from St. Marys, PA.

Round 1 Categories: What’s “Up”? – Hey, We Made That! – Catching Some Rays – Hobbies & Pastimes – O’er the Land of the Free – & The Home of the Rave)

Steven found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “O’er the Land of the Free” under the $800 on the 17th pick of the round. He was in second place with $3,200, $200 less than Evan’s lead. Steven bet $800 and tried Wyoming. That was WRONG.

If you fly west out of Columbia, Missouri to Denver, basically above I-70, you’ll cross this state in its entirety show

Evan finished in the lead with $5,600. Stephanie was second with $3,600 and Steven was last with $3,000. All clues were shown.

Round 2 Categories: Ancient Greece – 20th Century Fiction – Musical Ett(e)s – Aviators – Fashion Designers – 13-Letter Words

Steven found the first Daily Double in “Musical ett(e)s” under the $1,200 clue on the 8th pick of the round. He was in the lead with $9,000, $2,400 more than Stephanie in second place. Steven bet $2,000 and he was RIGHT.

Freddie Gorman, a letter carrier by day, contributed to the lyrics of this song that delivered a No. 1 hit for the Marvelettes show

Stephanie found the last Daily Double in “Aviators” under the $2,000 clue with 1 clue left after it. She was in last place with $7,600, $6,400 less than Evan’s lead. Stephanie bet $500 and she was RIGHT.

According to this French author/flier, a pilot “strives to outwit the forces of nature…truth for him is what lives in the stars” show

Evan finished in the lead with $14,400. Steven was second with $9,800 and Stephanie was last with $8,100. All clues were shown.

Only ONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


From the Pro Football Hall of Fame: “The National Football League awarded its 16th franchise to New Orleans on November 1, 1966. Appropriately, it was All Saints Day…. Less than a month later on January 9, 1967, no one was surprised when the team was named the “Saints.”

In this short history of the Saints, the Saints nickname is attributed to the city’s unofficial anthem “When the Saints Go Marching In”.

Stephanie got it right. She bet $6,000 and finished with $14,100.

Steven didn’t have a response. That cost him $7,401 and left him with $2,399.

Evan thought it was the Mets. He bet $5,600 and finished with $8,800. That made Stephanie Asalone the new Jeopardy! champ.

Final Jeopardy (11/14/2024) Evan Dorey, Steven Czekala, Stephanie Asalone

A triple stumper from each round. (Please don’t put the answers in the comments)

& THE HOME OF THE RAVE ($600) This 2023 film was a “Minus” in title only: IndieWire said, “The king of monsters is back–and better than ever”

ANCIENT GREECE ($2000) This Greek “Father of Tragedy” fought in the Battle of Marathon, which he included in an epitaph he wrote for himself

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: NONE of the players got this FJ in “MOVIES & LITERATURE”

Ridley Scott’s first feature film, “The Duellists”, was based on a story by this author to whom Scott’s film “Alien” also pays tribute show


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6 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    So, I don’t think Stephanie has much of a future on J! The wagering strategy seems random.

    I have a Straub keychain, made from compacted powdered metal. It’s right next to me here on my desk. My last EM job, I was in the county above St. Mary’s. A little trivia – St. Mary’s annexed the entire county, so, by size, St. Mary’s is the second largest city in PA, after Philadelphia. For population, though? #96. The Straub beer is what you might expect – if you’re local, you love it. Kinda like Iron City.

    I zoned on FJ. Only got 1/3 on DD. Maybe I’m slipping!

    • Jason says:

      Oh, and, the story of Benjamin O. Davis Jr at that place was, in this day and age, reprehensible. White students would LITERALLY ignore him, like he wasn’t even there. But, he was the upstanding gentleman and classy, and didn’t let it show.

  2. Howard says:

    Got FJ right away, but I’m a recovering sportsaholic.
    Momentarily thought Stephanie wouldn’t get the French author/flier, but she just got it in. I’d have made that same guess.
    Pretty good competition, but they left too much gravy on the table. The Chinese 1931 novel; father of tragedy; Tina’s backup singers; the Cayman rays that weren’t manta rays; and the Cold War pilot. (I believe I’ve mentioned this before, but when I lived in SoCal in the 70s, that pilot was the NBC affiliate’s helicopter traffic reporter. He died in a crash.)

  3. VJ says:

    It almost made me cry when they didn’t get Pearl Buck’s famous novel. Great book. Good film, too.

    When my 2 oldest kids were teens, we read this book out loud to each other. They got a big kick out of the way the characters described others as “such an one”. I told them to just read it as “such a one” but they wouldn’t. For a while, they used it in regular speech to comic effect.

  4. Gabe says:

    Loved Stephanie, who remembered Straub Beer from her home town of St. Marys PA.

  5. Travis says:

    Had no idea on the final, that was tough. I thought the two daily doubles except the French author were pretty easy.