Final Jeopardy: World Cities (10-28-21)

Here are some more triple stumpers from the 10/28/2021 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

U.S. GEOGRAPHY ($1000) 2021 is the bicentennial year of this Missouri city, home to the first state university established west of the Mississippi

POTENT ETYMOLOGY ($400) This Irish whiskey’s name includes structures that make their barley & the nearby river whose water is used in the spirit

($600) Started in part by George Clooney, this tequila brand is a portmanteau of the Spanish words for “house” & “friends”

($1000) This brand of rum is named for a navy man who became a famous tattoo artist

RED ($1000) This gemstone got its name from its resemblance to the red seed of a pomegranate

DOCTOR IS NOT MY FIRST NAME ($1600) Dr. Jekyll, created in 1886

AT THE BALLET ($1600) In “Coppélia”, a magical doctor creates a life-size one of these that young Franz becomes obsessed with

($2000) “The River” was a jazz ballet collaboration between bandleader Duke Ellington & this choreographer

“K”-POP ($1600) Despite the title, the 1967 Neil Diamond classic about this title lady is not in the style of bluegrass

Sneak Peek clues — “BEAN”S
($200) A tall, lanky person can be a beanpole or this
($400) Cornhole involves the hurling of them
($600) A number cruncher, or someone in the bureaucracy, reluctant to give you funds
($800) In “Casablanca” Bogie nobly said, “The problems of 3 little people don’t amount to” one of these
($1000) Seen here, Eric Esch was one tough customer fighting under this nickname


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5 Responses

  1. Howard says:

    The two wrong answers on Final were head-scratchers. Neither was a capital 7000 miles from Sydney. (I did come up with the right city once I realized it had to be in South America.)
    Quite a few tough stumpers tonight. I did get the wrestler, choreographer, and city in Missouri.

  2. klm says:

    phew, almost a runaway but not, thankfully. runaways destroy the ending. my heart was beating as tyler almost ran the “vikings” category but no one buzzed in for the last clue. if tyler had known that, game was over then and FJ would be meaningless to watch since i knew the correct response.
    why don’t these people know anything about geography? it is annoying since it is the easiest topic to master. get a $5 dollar wall map and study it. how hard is that!!!

    • VJ says:

      @klm, some things you can study till kingdom come and the information just won’t stick. That’s true for me in math and science subjects. Still, the percentage of Jeopardy! contestants who are good at geography seems to be noticeably smaller than one would expect.

      • rhonda says:

        Exactly, VJ, different people have different strengths and abilities. What is easy for one person to learn is difficult for another.

  3. Louis says:

    Tyler is off to a good start. I am surprised at how quick he was on the buzzer today and Judi couldnt keep up. A strong opponent for Tyler today. But still that queensland response kind of baffled me a bit. I had two other choices in south america one was Quito and the other lima since they were close to the pacific ocean. We shall see if Tyler can build up his win