Final Jeopardy: U.S. State Names (1-31-23)

Here are some more clues from the 1/31/2023 Jeopardy! game. Please don’t put the answers to these clues in the comments so people who missed the game can have a chance to answer them. It is okay to refer to them by category and clue value or by part of the clue.

AD VERBS & TAGLINES ($600) Target: “____ more. Pay less.”

Instagram: ($800) “____ and share the world’s moments”

($1000) Jantzen Swimwear: “____ into life”

MEDICAL FOLKS ($2000) Pernicious anemia was once called by the name of this 19th c. doctor for whom a disease of the adrenal glands is still named

HEAD GEAR ($1200) When this item was first worn by John Hetherington in 1797, its height & luster made women faint

(image) ($2000) Common in the Victorian era, these

The Daily Box Scores are released at 8 pm Eastern

Sneak Peek clues — 3-LETTER PALINDROMES
($400) Kim & Jon use it to front their names in the rap game
($800) It’s found before “squad” in the name of a cheer-y group
($1200) Hildegard of Bingen was a noted one
($1600) It’s “here” in French
($2000) The wahoo seen here is known as this to Hawaiian fishers


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6 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    Did anyone hear Ken say something quizzical? Namely, in the silent letter category, he said “the two C’s in science”. Um, no, only the first one is silent.

    Jake is definitely annoying me. The histrionics are over the top.

  2. Albert says:

    I think Jake could win 20 games.

  3. Howard says:

    If I didn’t live in Oregon, I might not have known that. Even so, I had to quickly envision the two states’ geographic positions. (I missed the rest of the show, but it looks as if Jake had clear sailing.)
    Recap, here I come!

  4. Rick says:

    I cant believe that none of the contestants got the FJ right. I mean, it was rather obvious that it was Nevada and Oregon. Actually, I got it off the bat as those two states were just staring at me.

  5. Ismael Gomez says:

    And we got our second straight triple stumper this week thanks to that evil geography clue.

  6. Kevin Cheng says:

    For the second day in a row this week, we get a clue that stumped all 3 players. Will we get a correct response tomorrow? We’ll see what happens.