Final Jeopardy: 1980s Movie Characters (1-24-24)

The Final Jeopardy question (1/24/2024) in the category “1980s Movie Characters” was:

Oliver Stone, screenwriter of this 1983 movie, named its main character to honor the Super Bowl-winning QB from 1982

Today’s Champions Wildcard contestants are: Dillon Hupp, an associate director of development from Syracuse, NY; Lloyd Sy, a professor of American literature orig. from Rockford, IL; and Kelly Barry, a marketing communications manager from Seattle, WA.

Round 1 Categories: Love Story – Our Song – Bad Blood – Shake It Off – We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together – The Errors Tour

Lloyd found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “Shake It Off” under the $800 clue on the 10th pick of the round. He was in last place with $1,200, $600 less than Kelly’s lead. Lloyd bet all of it and guessed hamster. That was WRONG.

Drop “it” from a word for a hollow space to get this South American rodent show

Lloyd finished in the lead with $6,200. Kelly was in second place with $4,000. Dillon was last with $1,600. All clues were shown.

Round 2 Categories: Bald Is Beautiful – One-Term Presidents – Island Countries – Art & Artists – Business Travel – From the Latin

Lloyd found the first Daily Double in “From the Latin” under the $1,200 clue on the 4th pick of the round. He was in the lead with $9,000, $5,000 more than Kelly in second place. Lloyd bet $1,000 and he was RIGHT.

This adjective meaning the ultimate or most perfect form of is partially derived from the Latin word for “fifth” show

Dillon got the last Daily Double in “Island Countries” under the $1,600 clue on the 11th pick of the round. He was in second place with $7,200, $6,400 less than Lloyd’s lead. Dillon bet $5,000 and he was RIGHT.

The national anthem of this small island nation says, “Peacefully be, the Kingdom and Sultan” show

Lloyd finished in the lead with $25,200. Dillon was in second place with $13,000. Kelly was last with $2,400. All clues were shown.

NONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


Oliver Stone’s decision to name the main character in the 1983 film “Scarface” after 49ers quarterback Joe Montana is one of over 50 IMDB trivia items about the 1983 film “Scarface” IMDB. Montana led the 49ers to victory at the 1982 Super Bowl, the first of the team’s 4 Super Bowl wins. But what about Tony, the first name of the character portrayed by Al Pacino? In the original “Scarface” (1932), Paul Muni played the main character and his name was Tony Camonte so perhaps they decided to keep that. Martin Bregman, producer of “Scarface” (1983), also paid homage to the original film by dedicating it to Ben Hecht and Howard Hawks, the writer and director of the 1932 original.

On Fikkle Fame: The final death scene in “Scarface” (1983) is the first one mentioned in “5 Death Scenes and Why We Remember Them”

Kelly had no response. She lost $600 and finished with $1,800.

Dillon thought it was “Platoon”. He bet and lost his whole $13,000.

Lloyd also went with “Platoon”. He lost $801 but he won the game with the remaining $24,399. Lloyd advances to the semifinals.

Final Jeopardy (1/24/2024) Dillon Hupp, Lloyd Sy, Kelly Barry

A triple stumper from each round:

THE ERRORS TOUR ($1000) “Howbeit the hair of” Samson “head began to grown again after he was shaven”–these biblical people didn’t think of that

BUSINESS TRAVEL ($2000) A 1920s airship passenger said, “On a plane you fly, but on” this 2-word craft named for a count, “you voyage”

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: TWO of the players got this FJ in “Films of the 2000s”

One of the screenwriters of this 2001 film described it as “‘Clueless’ meets ‘The Paper Chase”‘ show


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8 Responses

  1. Jason says:

    In the form of a question, “How can you describe Lloyd in one word?” “What is ‘annoying’, Ken?” His mannerisms were quite off-putting, to me.

    I didn’t get FJ, and should have.

  2. William says:

    Did anyone catch Lloyd’s comment about Albert Pujols??

  3. Howard says:

    Question: re the FJ from 2 years ago, what does “Mountains” have to do with the movie given as the answer?

    That was one tough FJ. I pretty much knew the QB, but unfortunately never saw the film or knew it was a Stone picture.

    Lloyd is one impressive player. Had a near runaway. His smallish DD wager in the Latin category could eventually have cost him a win if Dillon had nailed FJ.

    They left a few gettable scraps unanswered. Samson’s biblical people; the baroque master who wasn’t full-figured; and the rental car company with the bird name.

    • VJ says:

      Howard, that category was supposed to be Films of the 2000s (I just fixed it). My helper sent me the 2 years ago clue that will come up on Friday, so don’t be surprised when you see “Mountains’ again!

      I changed the clue and intended to go back and change the category but got distracted. (The No. 1 reason why I shouldn’t do things out of order)

      Thanks for pointing it out.

  4. Rick says:

    Yesterday’s FJ was a no brainer, and now this, a triple stumper. In any case, it was another great game!

  5. Collin says:

    This episode’s Jeopardy round category names were Taylor Swift-themed.

  6. Ismael Gomez says:

    And we got another triple stumper this week as we got another tough final.