Final Jeopardy: Science: The of (1-2-25)
The Final Jeopardy question (1/2/2025) in the category “Science: The of ” was:
4 of these discovered in the early 1600s were given the names of lovers of a mythological deity
Today’s Second Chance finalists are: Will Yancey, a lecturer of history from Banquete, TX; Colleen Matthews, a speech-language pathologist from Portland, OR; and Kaitlin Tarr, a ceramic artist from Denver, CO.
This time, the links go to the semifinal games.
Round 1 Categories: So Sayeth the King James Bible – Seconds – Idiot Idioms – Name Drops Keep Fallin’ on My Head – Classy Creatures – You Say Tobago, I Say Tobago
Will found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “So Sayeth the King James Bible” under the $800 on the 2nd pick of the round. He was the only one on the board with $600. Will bet $1,000 and he was RIGHT.
“And there was war again: and David went out, and fought with” this group, “and slew them with a great slaughter” show
Will finished in the lead with $6,400. Kaitlin was second with $2,800 and Colleen was last with $1,800. All clues were shown.
Round 2 Categories: That’s Some Opening Act – Novel Title Drop a Letter – Whiskey, & Keep ’em Comin’ – Antonyms: the Anti-Synonyms – Trials – Tributaries
Will found the first Daily Double in “Tributaries” under the $1,200 clue on the 5th pick of the round. He was in the lead with $7,200, $4,000 more than Kaitlin in second place. Will bet $2,500 and he was RIGHT.
A sheepish response is perhaps best for this, the largest tributary of the Yellowstone show
Will found the last Daily Double in “Novel Title Drop a Letter” under the $2,000 clue on the last pick of the round. He was in the lead with $23,700, $16,900 more than Kaitlin in second place. Will bet $3,700 and came up with hilarious toothpaste. That was funny but WRONG.
An Edith Wharton title drops a letter & laughter spews from a tube show
Will finished in the lead with a runaway $20,000. Kaitlin was second with $6,800 and Colleen was last with $4,200. All clues were shown.
Only ONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.
In 1610, Italian astronomer Galileo and German astronomer Simon Marius both discovered the 4 largest moons of Jupiter. Galileo published his finding before Marius so he was and continues to be credited with discovery. When Marium published his findings, he identified the moons by 4 mythological names: Europa, Io, Ganymede and Callisto. These characters in myth were either seduced or abducted by the head honcho of myth, Jupiter (Roman) and Zeus (Greek).
Galileo wasn’t very nice to Marius.
Colleen got it right. She bet it all and doubled her score to $8,400.
Kaitlin went with fossils. That cost her $6,799 and left her with $1.00.
Will had a personal message to a friend. He didn’t lose a penny, standing pat on his $20,000.
These scores will be added to tomorrow’s final scores to determine the winner. Will’s sitting pretty today. If he plays like this tomorrow, well… you know.
A triple stumper from each round:
TRIALS ($800) In 2009 this American exchange student testified in her own defense during a murder trial in a Perugia court
WHISKEY, & KEEP ‘EM COMIN’ ($2000) Veteran L.A.-Vegas drivers know this Primm, Nev. casino opened in 1977 was the longtime home of Bonnie & Clyde’s death car
2 years ago: BOTH players got this FJ in “THE MOVIES”
Laurence Olivier & Ernest Borgnine were considered for the lead role & Sergio Leone to direct for this film that turned 50 in 2022 show
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I was 0/3 on DD and missed FJ. For me, Final just seemed a bit clunky. Not a great showing by me! However, got most of the TS.
Yeah, that Anna Christie clue – Mae West?? But, Marlena Dietrich and the correct response have been confused one with the other for 90 or so years. If course, if you know my viewing habits, you know I knew that one!!
I took Will as my candidate. So far, so good!
FJ music was nearly over when I mustered “moons of planets.” Not quite.
Will was clearly the alpha player today. He’ll be tough to beat, unless one of the women gets on a roll and hits some big DDs.
Thought someone would know Scopes’ prosecutor. He was also the FJ answer recently (that I knew but the contestants didn’t) in a totally different context. I wasn’t 100% sure of the “Anna Christie” actress but did get it. Mae West? Oy!
You could see that Will realized his mistake on the Scopes clue right after Ken said the right answer and the camera panned back to Will.
It was another splendid game, and a virtual runaway for Will. As for me, I did quite well in the game. Actually, I rarely mention the DDs that I get since I simply include them with the total. In my mind, the real prize is the FJ, and that one got away from me today. Oh well, but there is always tomorrow!