Final Jeopardy: Historic Statements (1-17-25)

The Final Jeopardy question (1/17/2025) in the category “Historic Statements” was:

He wrote of his intent “to reserve & throw away my first fire, & I have thoughts even of reserving my second fire”

Today’s Champions Wildcard contestants in QF5 are: Adam Hersh, an attorney from Brooklyn, NY; Marko Saric, a math professor from Chapel Hill, NC; and Will Weiss, a technical program manager from Islip, NY.

Round 1 Categories: Paulitics – The Power of 10 – “B” Pictures – Batter Up! – We Had It Good Back Then – Darling, You Spoke French

Marko found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “We Had it Good Back Then” under the $1,000 clue on the 6th pick of the round. He was in second place with $1,200, half of Adam’s lead. Marko bet it all and he was RIGHT.

The late 1200s was the heyday of this northwest Italian seaport, including a victory over Venice at the Battle of Curzola show

Adam finished in the lead with $5,800. Marko was second with $4,800 and Will was last with $4,600. All clues were shown.

Round 2 Categories: Swampy America – Rhyme Time – Total Drama! – Physical Science – Mish Mash – I Was Taking a Bath

Marko found the first Daily Double in “Physical Science” under the $1,600 clue on the 2nd pick of the round. He was in the lead with $6,000, $200 more than Adam in second place. Marko bet $4,500 and he was RIGHT.

It’s separation of waves according to their wavelength, as in a rainbow; also, what police may want a crowd to do, meaning scattering show

Marko found the last Daily Double in “Total Drama” under the $1,200 clue on the 15th pick of the round. He was in the lead with $18,100, $4,700 more than Adam in second place. Marko bet $2,700 and he was RIGHT.

Characters in this 4-act play include Judge Hawthorne, Giles Corey & Tituba show

Marko finished in the lead with $24,400. Adam was second with $18,600 and Will was last with $5,400. All clues were shown.

NONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


On 7/11/1804, Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton engaged in a duel in Weehawken, NJ. William Van Ness (Burr) and Nathaniel Pendleton (Hamilton) acted as seconds. Hamilton was fatally wounded and died the next day. Hamilton took steps to put his personal papers in order in case he did not survive. On 7/19, those papers were delivered to Pendleton. The quotes in today’s clue come from this written statement in those papers.

Hamilton rejected Burr’s demanded for a disavowal of “animadversions” that Burr felt had gone too far. Hamilton refused on principle but claimed a resolve to throw away his first shot and possibly his second, “if it pleases God to give me the opportunity.” Van Ness and Pendleton, as seconds, gave an official account of the duel. They did not agree on who fired first, but they did agree that Hamilton fell right after Burr fired. Van Ness insisted that was proof that Hamilton shot first and missed. “As to the pretence that Genl. H. did not intend to fire and that Coll. B. knew it,” he added, ” it is more dishonorable to the deceased than the survivor: but nothing appears more destitute of foundation.”

Will had no response. He bet and lost his whole $5,400. In a weird coincidence, Will’s “Alexander Hamilton” guess in his third game last September cost him the win. This time, not guessing Hamilton cost him a Wild Card spot.

Adam came up with Baldwin. He bet and lost his whole $18,600 and that cost him a Wild Card!

Marko thought it was Nixon. He stood pat on his $24,400 won the last semifinal spot.

See the comments for the complete list of semifinalists and, as usual, thanks to Richard for posting the lists every day.

Final Jeopardy (1/17/2025) Adam Hersh, Marko Saric, Will Weiss

1 triple stumper from PHYSICAL SCIENCE:

($800) After Polaris, the 2 brightest stars in this “lesser” group are Kochab & Pherkad, the “Guardians of the Pole”

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: TWO of the players got this FJ in “TELEVISION”

Mike Post combined the sound of a slamming jail door, an anvil & 100 men stomping on a floor for this series that debuted in 1990 show


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16 Responses

  1. Howard says:

    Good game, though Will was mostly out of it in the second half I did poorly, getting only 1 DD and blanking on Final, and getting only the “sourire” stumper. I’m still pretty decent en francais 55 years after my last class.

    After everything I wrote yesterday, Adam went and contradicted me by betting the farm on Final. Smart people make an inordinate number of faux pas on FJ wagers.

  2. Rick says:

    Wow, what a good competitive game! As for me, I performed a tad below average, and how could anyone have made sense from that rather cryptic statement in FJ? Well, I simply took a stab at it, and went with Henry VIII.
    Yes, it’s really too bad that those two men couldn’t have settled their differences in a peaceful manner.

    • VJ says:

      A lot of people know about those statements, Rick. Here’s a link to a video of the Alexander Hamilton Awareness Society’s speech at Weehawken on the anniversary of the duel last year. Pendleton, Hamilton’s second, claimed that the first thing Hamilton said when he regained consciousness was “Pendleton knows I did not mean to fire at Col. Burr the first time.” I’ve always found that hard to believe.

      I wonder who Adam meant by “Baldwin”

      • Howard says:

        James Baldwin, “The Fire Next Time.”

      • Rick says:

        That may be the case VJ, but none of the contestants came up with the correct response either.
        In addition, that statement was rather ambiguous as it could be interpreted in a number of ways. In fact, I took it as some reference to a “sexual flame”, and which was why I went with Henry VIII. Yes, that response went nowhere, but given the clues, it was understandable.

  3. Jason says:

    Like everyone else, I think Adam’s wager was bad. I don’t agree with “but he didn’t know because he was in the green room”. Just use your head, and use statistics to your advantage. I mean, if Marco knew to wager zero, them Adam should have known something similar.

    Regardless, I was 2/3 on DD, and missed FJ. I didn’t have a real clue. I did, bien sûr, mais oui, run the French category!

    • VJ says:

      I was kinda hoping someone would get sourire mixed up with souris 🤣🤣🤣 I would have loved seeing Ken’s reaction

      • Jason says:

        My favorite opera is Die Fledermaus. Easy transliteration – “flying mouse”. But, in French: “la chauve-souris”. Again, “flying mouse “? Nope.

        “The Bald Mouse “!!

  4. Ismael Gomez says:

    And we got our third triple stumper this week resulted our fifth losing week in the final this season.

  5. Steve Bearss says:

    I feel like he should have known that 18600 was good enough for a wild card spot

  6. William Weyser says:

    I feel like Will Weiss and his 2 opponents want to nail Alexander Hamilton with a hammer, and stick him to the wall. That along with Benedict Arnold from 2012, and Major John Andre from 2011.

  7. Richard Corliss says:

    Marko Saric: $24,400
    Joey DeSana: $24,000
    Drew Goins: $23,400
    Evan Dorey: $20,600
    Will Yancey: $13,800

    Mehal Shah: $19,600
    Jay Fisher: $15,400
    Jen Feldman: $8,200
    Paul Clauson: $8,000
    Stevie Ruiz: $5,199
    Adam Hersh: $0 ($18,600)
    Eamonn Campbell $0 ($9,600)
    Davey Morrison: $0 ($8,800)
    Will Weiss: $0 ($5,400)
    Aiden Orzech: -$2,400

  8. Kevin Cheng says:

    I like Will’s wager in FJ! because that was his only chance of making it to the semifinals as a wild card. But for some stupid reason, Adam wagered everything and I don’t like that wager at all. It’s a horrible wager. He should have wagered 0 to guarantee a wild card spot but too bad he was locked into the green room all day. Jen and Paul are lucky, they have been waiting all week long to see if their scores are good enough to advance to the semifinals and they did.

    • William Weyser says:

      Like you, I like Will’s wager. He did the right thing. It just didn’t work out. I don’t Adam’s wager, because he should have wagered 0 and guaranteed himself a Wild-Card spot. He didn’t know that, because he was locked in the Green Room all day. At least, Marko played it safe and won. Better luck next time with this tournament format.

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