Familia Supra Gallegorious Omnia! Recap: Shameless Season 6 Finale

Fiona’s wedding day arrives in “Familia Supra Gallegorious Omnia!,” the Season 6 finale of “Shameless” (4/3/2016). Frank’s plans didn’t quite work out the way he thought they would and Lip has to deal with the consequences of his last drunken rage. Carl has to deal with Dominique’s father and Debbie continues to try to cope with Franny on her own.

A deal for what? ~ Bruno

At Chez Gallagher, Frank broke in and did some remarkably nasty things like peeing in Sean’s boots and scrubbing himself down there with Sean’s toothbrush. Then he stole Sean’s cash and visa card and went off and bought gift cards so he could finish paying off Bruno. Not surprisingly, Bruno played Frank. He wasn’t going to kill anyone because “that would be illegal.” It was just surprising that he settled for half the money when he could have conned Frank out of the rest of it. Why did he even give Frank a real way to keep in touch with him if he was just gonna settle for one grand?

Huh, oh, you mean accidents like Franny. ~ Debbie

Debbie would not commit to going to Fiona’s wedding. Fiona wondered how long she would go on punishing them. Funny, we’ve never heard Fiona say that she was sorry for pushing Debbie to get an abortion. She probably honestly still feels she was right but she could be sorry for the pain that she caused Debbie by saying she would not be welcome under her roof if she had the baby. At the well-baby checkup, the doctor noticed bruises on Franny and Debbie admitted dropping her. She also noticed that Debbie wasn’t taking the best care of herself or Franny.

“Manifest destiny” ~ Kermit

Lip landed in jail (of course) after his “ghetto job” on Professor Youens’ car windows but he was only facing assault charges from campus security as Youens declined to press charges and even bailed him out. Lip was less than grateful particularly when the professor urged him to get help in rehab. He thought that was the pot calling the kettle black, but Youens pointed out that he had two doctorates, two kids and tenure before he began drinking heavily and Lip was only 22. Lip said he wanted to go to his sister’s wedding first and headed to the Alibi where everyone was appalled to learn he was expelled. “Does the ass of that bar stool feel nice and worn in?” Kev asked, adding “it should because that’s where your father always sits.

I didn’t do anything to bring this on myself. I have a disease. ~ Ian

Ian tried to get his job at the university back but the answer was “bleep no” because he left Ron in the lurch when he quit. Ron didn’t appreciate being stuck with cleaning toilets in the science building for two days until they found a replacement. After deciding he can’t go back to being a bar boy and striking out at numerous places, he returned to the firehouse and puts his uniform on. Rita confronted him with the company policy and Ian gave an impassioned speech about how being bipolar is a disability and it’s illegal to discriminate against the handicapped. Voilà, he has his job back as if Rita has authority to go against company policy.

I’m the parent that has to regularly fight back the extremely powerful urge to pistol-whip you to death. ~ Luther Winslow

Carl kept trying to get along with Dominique’s father, even following his advice about ironing his shirt and what not. But the sergeant told Carl that he did not like him and wasn’t even trying to like him because he knew what Carl was thinking about where Dominique is concerned. Huh! Little does he know that what he wants to prevent has already happened and it was his little girl who took the initiative. Somehow, we don’t think he would even believe it if he found out. Then woe is Carl!

Takes a dope fiend to know a dope fiend ~ Frank

Finally, the wedding day arrives and Familia Gallegorious gathers at the church minus the pater familias. Ian brought Caleb. Carl brought Dominique whose duties as a flower girl were no longer necessary when Debbie arrived with Franny. Will was going to act as ring bearer. Then it happened. Frank barged in and demanded to walk Fiona down the aisle. Everyone told him that he was not wanted. Fiona pleaded with him not to ruin her wedding day and he dropped the big bombshell. He broke into the diner and found evidence in Sean’s desk that he has been using drugs on the daily. Sean did not deny it. Will ran off. Lip punched Frank in the face. The wedding was off. Actually, we think the priest walked off in the midst of Frank’s diatribes when he got to Fiona and the “freeway” between her legs.

Fiona sat outside the church with her beautiful gown trailing on the wet ground. Sean came out and admitted that he had been using for a few months but claimed it doesn’t affect him the way it used to. It’s just to take “the edge off.” He said the most important thing now was to take Will home and beg his ex-wife let him keep shared custody. Fiona seemed surprised that was more important than salvaging their relationship but Sean pointed out that he had always been honest about Will coming first. The logical response to that was apparently not before drugs, though, or you wouldn’t have to beg Nikole to let you keep shared custody, which she will not do if she has any brains.

In the final scenes, Youens dropped Lip off at the rehab while everyone else dropped Frank off the bridge into the cold lake.

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