Dallas TNT Season 3: The Return

When we pick up the Ewing saga in the Dallas premiere of Season 3 (The Return), Christopher Ewing has grown a beard and looks totes cute. John Ross Ewing is still up to his usual stunts, rattling his Uncle Bobby’s cage and whoring around with Emma Ryland, even though he just married Cliff Barnes’ daughter, Pamela. Cliff is still in the can for murdering J.R. but he has enlisted the help of Elena Ramos to get revenge (she calls it justice). Elena, in turn, has enlisted the help of her childhood amigo, Joaquin, who was a homeless waif on the corner until the Ramos family took him in and raised him as their own. Joaquin, Drew and Elena were like the 3 Musketeers.

Dallas Characters Refresher Course

The Ewings have changed the name of Barnes Global to Ewing Global and have put some plans in place to buy Arctic oil leases. Part of the success of that depends upon Ryland Transportation. John Ross assures everyone he has that under control (even though Bum has warned him that Emma Ryland is a treacherous wench — she had her own daddy put in jail). Just when they think they’ve got all their duckies in a row, an outrageously handsome fellow named Nicolas Trevino shows up to put the screws to it. Trevino turns out to be Joaquin. Elena has gotten herself back into the good graces of the Ewing family, including staying at Southfork and a job where she can spy her little ass off. She knows who Nicolas is when he shows up, but for someone who never lies, she does a mighty good job of acting as surprised as anyone else.

At Southfork, Sue Ellen’s suspicions are aroused when she runs across John Ross coming out of Emma’s room. With the help of a few previews of Sue Ellen calling Emma a tramp and telling her about Kristen’s fate, we can see that she is going to blame it on Emma and continue to dote on her baby boy.

Harris Ryland gets out of jail and is greeted outside by some very scary looking Mexican dudes, one of whom warns him that he better meet his commitments or something so bad will happen to his daughter Emma, she will want to kill herself. Yikes.

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