Dallas: Mr. and Mrs. John Ross Ewing

There was one scene in “Love and Family” where Uncle Bobby is just about putting John Ross up to marrying Pamela Rebecca Barnes if that’s what it takes to get Ewing hands on 1/3 of Barnes Global until they can find out if Pamela No. 1 will side with her adopted son and niece against her brother — and that’s assuming that the floppy hat woman in the Zurich bank is Pamela Jean Barnes.

Bobby asked John Ross if he loved Pamela and John Ross said it’s not about love.

But whatever it’s about, he went off and got hitched and J.R. is probably rolling over in in his grave.

Another Ewing marries a Barnes but this time, it’s his own son. Could this possibly have been part of his master plan? It’s hard to imagine. In “Guilt by Association,” Bobby reminds John Ross what J.R. wrote him:

“Use what I’ve given you to take from them what they want to take from us and then Bobby will know what to do.”

That doesn’t sound like he meant marry the Barnes girl, does it? She was still married to Christopher when J.R. died.

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2 Responses

  1. Hallie says:

    I think john ross has feelings for her it was evident for awhile especially in the last few episodes. When the hostage situation was going on he jumped up to protect her, after the miscarriage john didn’t want to tell her about her father to protect her chris is the one who wanted to. I also think that john ross is jr son so he will lie and manipulate when it serves them and they both seem to be a lot alike so i can see pam give it out as much as john does.

  2. Tara says:

    In the grand scheme of things I wasn’t surprised at all that John Ross and Pamela got married. It seemed like the perfect way to get back at Cliff for what happened on the rig but also all of the wrongs going back to Digger Barnes in the beginning of the show. JR always had a knack for engineering the most devious plans that anyone ever saw. This one is definitely one for the record books as he turns everyone’s world around from the grave. I was also satisfied with the way Harris was set up by his daughter and Drew finally paid Roy back for being so underhanded at the request of Cliff Barnes. There has to be a third season just because there is so much still left to be told, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed.