Clue Watch: Namor of Atlantis

The Marvel superhero known as The Sub-Mariner actually has a name. It is Namor McKenzie. Here are two Jeopardy! clues on him.

5/14/2015 THE BOOK OF MERMEN $800: The Marvel character known as Sub-Mariner lives undersea in this fabled “lost” land
7-20-2006 MARVEL $2000: This Marvel superhero is King of Atlantis

The 2015 one was in a Celebrity Jeopardy! match and comedian Josh Gad got that one. You didn’t really need Sub-Mariner or Namor in there to get that clue.

The second one was a triple stumper, with one player saying Neptune and Trebek giving Sub-Mariner as the answer, though they would have to accept Namor if anyone knew it. Check out this song from his 1960s cartoon series when he was still a Prince.

Stronger than a whale, he can swim anywhere
He can breathe underwater and go flying through the air
The noble Sub Mariner, Prince of the Deep
So, beware you deadly demons
Lord Namor of Atlantis is the Prince of the Deep.

It may be hopeless to watch for a clue asking for Namor as the answer but is another Noble Sub-Mariner Jeopardy! clue totally out of the question? Last year was Namor’s 75th anniversary, and had an article lobbying for a film about him, straight up dissing Aquaman as “nothing more than a third-rate knock-off of the Sub-Mariner.”

Aquaman has had a bit more notice on Jeopardy! and yes, he’s getting a movie but Namor was named the 16th sexiest male comic character by Comic Alliance in 2013.


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