Category: Lotsa Stuff

Mr. Spock’s Illogical Song

Jeopardy had a clue about Star Trek’s Spock over 10 years ago on May 30, 2003 in the category FEELING “ILL” valued at $600: “Spock knows it means something that...

Rolf Harris Conviction Reactions

Here is the reaction of comedian Russell Brand to the conviction of 84-year-old entertainer Rolf Harris on 12 counts of sexual indecency on June 30, 2014. The “Tie Me Kangaroo...

Fool and Foolish Songs

We were talking about songs with some form of the word “fool” in the title on Friday’s Jeopardy! post, and that led to looking up Fool or Foolish songs that...

Remembering Meredith Willson

It has been 30 years since composer Meredith Willson passed away on June 15, 1984, but the music and songs he left behind will remain forever. As of June 15,...