Bears’ Brandon Marshall Says Some Players Use Viagra as a PED

Chicago Bears wide receiver Brandon Marshall says he’s heard stories about NFL players using Viagra as a performance enhancing drug — while on the field.  “I’ve heard some crazy stories.  I’ve heard (of ) guys using like Viagra, seriously” he said, adding “because the blood is supposedly thin, some crazy stuff”.

OK, well, it does help with blood flow to certain places, but does it enhance athletic performance like it enhances the performance it’s supposed to enhance?  The watchdog of such things, the World Anti Doping Agency hasn’t banned it, and neither have any sports leagues.  Are any players really using it to enhance athletic performance?  Maybe.  Athletes looking for a little something extra might give it a try, especially since it isn’t banned.  Or maybe that’s one of those “that’s my story and I’m sticking to it” things where these players are taking it for its intended purpose and are embarrassed to admit it.

If they are indeed popping the blue pills before a game, we’ll offer one suggestion to those players.  When you’re on the sidelines, try to focus on the game and if you play for a team that has cheerleaders, avoid watching them at all costs.  NFL cheerleaders can be quite hot in their skimpy outfits and if you start watching them, you… well, you get the idea.

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