Glenn Ford in Blackboard Jungle (1955)
“Blackboard Jungle” is a 1955 film about juvenile delinquency in school. The film came out the same year as the classic “Rebel Without a Cause”, starring James Dean as the...
“Blackboard Jungle” is a 1955 film about juvenile delinquency in school. The film came out the same year as the classic “Rebel Without a Cause”, starring James Dean as the...
Final Jeopardy categories, clues, champs and daily payouts for the week of April 25, 2022
Jeopardy! Recap for April 29, 2022 featuring Final Jeopardy bets and results. Today’s Daily Double categories: Waits & Measures, The 18th Century, Middle P
Jeopardy! Recap for April 28, 2022 featuring Final Jeopardy bets and results. Today’s Daily Double categories: Iron, Philosophy, Ballet & Opera
Jeopardy! Recap for April 27, 2022 featuring Final Jeopardy bets and results. Today’s Daily Double categories: Which Comes First, Mountains & Hills, An Anatomy of Words
Jeopardy! Recap for April 26, 2022 featuring Final Jeopardy bets and results. Today’s Daily Double categories: The Middle Ages, One Big Family and 3 blanks
Jeopardy! Recap for April 25, 2022 featuring Final Jeopardy bets and results. Today’s Daily Double categories: Musical Instruments, To The “N”s of the Earth, Multiple Hyphens
Final Jeopardy categories, clues, champs and daily payouts for the week of April 18, 2022
Jeopardy! Recap for April 22, 2022 featuring Final Jeopardy bets and results. Today’s Daily Double categories: Old Job Names, Firsts, Whines
Ruta Lee, Canadian-American actress and philanthropist, published her cheeky memoir in April 2021. Alex Trebek wrote the foreword.
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