Final Jeopardy: Word Origins (3-6-19)
Today’s Final Jeopardy question (3/6/2019) in the category “Word Origins” was:
This 8-letter word for a reaction against a trend comes from an engineering term for a jolt caused by a gap in machine parts
Returning champ Dana Wayne, is back after a 2-week break. An educator from No. Hollywood, CA, Dana won $26,401 in her first game on 2/19/2019. In Game 2, her challengers are : Eric Eifrig, a lawyer from Cincinnati, OH; and Tim Varecka, an engineer from Tucson, AZ.
Round 1 Categories: Historic Structures – Alphanumeric Athletes – In the “Mi”ddle – Cold Play – Speed of Sound – YOLO
Dana found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “Speed of Sound” under the $800 clue, with 11 clues left after it. She was in second place with $1,800 now, $3,200 less than Tim’s lead. She bet $400 and had no response so she was WRONG.
A tachometer measures RPM; this, named for scientist Ernst, measures speed in relation to the speed of sound. show
Tim finished in the lead with $4,000. Eric was second with $3,200 and Dana was last with $2,200.
Round 2 Categories: High-Scoring Scrabble Words – Ex-creatures – Around the Pacific – 19th Century People – Talk Like an Old Sailor – This Is “My” Song
Tim found the first Daily Double in “Ex-Creatures” under the $1,200 clue on the 3rd pick. He was in the lead with $5,200 now, $2,000 more than Eric in second place. He bet $2,000 and he was RIGHT.
This type of feline named for its scary canines has turned up in the La Brea tar pits. show
Eric found the last Daily Double in “19th Century People” under the $1,600 clue, with 7 clues left after it. In third place with $7,200, he had $3,600 less than Tim’s lead. He bet $3,000 and he was RIGHT.
This Maine senator who became Lincoln’s Veep was named for an uncle who was named for a Carthaginian general. show
Tim finished in the lead with $14,400. Eric was next with $11,400 and Dana was in third place with $10,600.
NONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.
The video will explain the mechanical definition for those not familiar with it. As I mentioned this morning on Spoiler Talk, the reaction part is something that we often see in the headlines these days. Here’s one from this week that surely made everyone gasp: “Kylie Jenner Faces Backlash over ‘Self-Made Billionaire’ Title”.
Also, this same response showed up in Final Jeopardy! back in Oct. 2014, with a keyboard connection.
Dana wrote down “pullback.” She lost her $4,600 bet and finished with $6,000.
Eric thought it was “kneejerk.” He lost $9,801 and was left with $1,599.
Tim went with “sparkgap.” He lost $8,401. That left him with $5,999 or one dollar less than Dana, so she remained the Jeopardy! champ with a 2-day total of $32,401.
A triple stumper from each round:
HISTORIC STRUCTURES ($800) “Scholars” know the Knights Hospitaller had a palace for the Grand Master on this large Greek island
THIS IS “MY” SONG ($800) Toni Braxton topped the charts & won a Grammy for this song that pleads “say you’ll love me again”
2 years ago: TWO of the players got this FJ in “Children’s Authors ”
“The Tale of Kitty-in-Boots”, written by her in 1914, was first published in 2016. show
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FYI, everybody, I am on babysitting duty right now but I will put up a separate post and move the comments and reactions on Alex over there later.
This is weird (and I don’t mean to be morbid), but was there a category about “bucketlist” recently, or I’m imagining it?
Yes, Cece, it was in the last game before the All-Stars Tournament began, which is linked to at the top of the recap
I have put up a post with tweets from some of the All Star players and moved all the comments about this awful news over there. I just did not want anyone to feel bad about commenting on the regular game and then seeing the news afterwards.
Thanks, VJ. I didn’t realize the category was that recent, omg. Anyway, I saw the headline about Alex online and I just stared at it for a long time, I was petrified. I lost a very close friend 10 months ago of the same cancer. I hope against hope that Alex has a fighting chance.
I’m sorry to hear about your friend, Cece. I hope Alex has a fighting chance, too. I’m just blown away and wondering if he found this out during that recent surgery. He seems so determined to work like he wants to be treated as though this is not happening. The show’s staff must be devastated and I hope that they can help Alex maintain as much as possible.
Yeah….fortunately, he has an enormous support system and, like you said,determination to work.
On another note, on my end these comments are still on the ‘word origin’ recap. Maybe you haven’t moved them yet. It’s been a strange day…
try refreshing the page
Today I clicked on the link to the 2/19 game recap and saw that the category was called “Alex’ Bucket List .” Creepy.
@Cece, yeah, not only that, last week there was a slew of articles who should succeed Alex as host. Here’s one on Good Housekeeping where they have since put up a message that it was published before this announcement. idk what video they had in there before. Other articles had the video when he made the announcement about his surgery
Thanks for the link to the article, VJ. And you said that there were more articles of this nature then. Eerie coincidence.
yeah, I saw similar headlines from Time, USA Today, Fox News and a few more I can’t remember.
Did these three contestants leaving money on the table by not going for the largest dollar amounts first with a minute to go a good strategy?
Oh, wow. Ended the Jeopardy! All-Star Games on a Triple Solve, resumed the regular games with a Triple Stumper. What a coincidence that both “backlash” FJ! clues ended up that way. Anyway, very close game, but Eric risked $1 over, making Dana a 2-time champion, hope to make it a potential 5-time champion.
This was a pretty good game. It did look like Tim was gonna send Dana home, but both she and Eric held their own and at the end, Dana made that smart bet. Eric has a great voice.
@JJ, you snagged a point in 19th century people. Yes, I’m jealous because that’s usually my go to century. lol
LINK: 10 more clues from the game
I think I got a point yesterday with “Around the Pacific?” (Guam). And Doris on Monday with “European History?” (Archimedes)
Sorry, around the Pacific was today.
My FF “Bon-i Pts” have been hard to come by in recent weeks… I’ll take it!
You go, Vinnie van Gogh-Gogh!!
Yay for Grape!
Terrible News: “Trebek reveals stage 4 pancreatic cancer diagnosis”
At long last the regular games are back. Although it’s funny no one knew backlash because this term was used on the current us president. Tim should have known this one. Do these guys drive cars John and VJ? They should obviously know if something happens with the internal components and all of that.
Kind of funny: in Europe a speedometer is called “tachometer” (from the Greek “tachos”=speed and “metron” for “measure”. From that word “meter” was derived…
You often have a second needle in the same display showing the rpm with a seperate display or a second device showing the rpm only next to the speedometer. But “tachometer” is synonymous for “speedometer” the cars of the 1960s you did not even have a display for rpm, unless it was a sports car such as a Ferrari ,Porsche, MG etc. A VW Beetle barely had a speedometer, not even a display for fuel. You had an emergency lever you could turn when you ran out of gas to get 2 liters of fuel, so you could make it to the next gas station.LOL (Unless you forget to close the thing again when you had filled up…..)
I hope J comes back with the contestant lineup, sometimes you get a little bit of a feeling how somebody may do (profession etc).
We are finally back to the regular games, yet the extreme week continues: 3-3-0….
No lineup yet at J!, they seem still to be high on the All Stars. Funny that Tim didn’t get it, he was an engineer per intro. And of course CONGRATULATIONS to Dana! Smart bet. Since she was last her hope was a TS and – voila!