Erlkonig Quotes: Boardwalk Empire

Here are some quotes from “Erlkonig” (recap here), the fifth episode of Season 4 of Boardwalk Empire.

A rude awakening:
Nucky Thompson: Willie, is something wrong?
Willie Thompson: I need your help.
Nucky: Eddie? EDDIE? Have you seen him today?
Joe: No.
Nucky: Bring the car around. Make it quick.

English lessons:
Agent Knox: Would you like some? (coffee). You can say yes or no. It doesn’t obligate you to anything.
Eddie Kessler: No. Thank you.
Agent Knox: Your welcome… sounds funny, doesn’t it?
Agent 2: How’s that?
Agent Knox: He said no thank you. I said you’re welcome. Sound right to you?
Eddie: You do not say ‘you’re welcome’ when someone says ‘no thank you.”
Agent Knox: Why?
Eddie: Because they have not accepted anything from you.
Agent 2: His English is better than yours.
Knox: Heck, I guess it is! Where did you learn it? Did you study it over in Prussia — I guess you would have called it?
Eddie: Why am I here? … I have done nothing wrong.
Knox: You had a pistol up your sleeve.
Eddie: For protection.
Knox: Against who?
Eddie Apaches.

Uncle Nucky to the rescue:
Nucky Thompson: There are reporters upstairs living in the lobby just looking for something to do. You can walk out of here a suspect in a capital case. They’ll smell that in a second. Or you can walk out like someone who just paid a parking ticket. That’s what we want.
Willie: I didn’t have anything to do with it.
Nucky: Let’s just talk about it for a minute.

Election Day in Cicero
Man in Hallway: What about that guy who got his throat cut on 22nd?
Frank Capone? His whole throat?
Man: Nah, only to here.
Frank Capone: So he can still whistle, hah?
Another Man: That’s a good one, Frank.
Frank Capone: Let’s check on his highness.
Al Capone: What the bleep‘s he doing here?
Frank Capone: You asked for him, Garibaldi. You liked the way he handled himself last night.
Al Capone: I did?… The woods! Daniel F*cking Crockett! Pow! … Hey George, you know what day it is?
George Mueller: Election Day.
Al Capone: April Fool’s. All the suckers, they’re gonna find out that the jokes on them.
Frank Capone: Go out there. Get the 20 best men you can find, then come over to main gate of Western Electric. Help the voters make up their minds. You with us?
Al Capone: I think he needs to ask his wife.
George Mueller: I don’t have to ask anyone anything.
Frank Capone (to Al): Respect the boundaries, hah?

How did you get the hooch?:
Nucky Thompson: Mickey sold you liquor? Why didn’t you come to me?
Willie Thompson: I didn’t want you to know.
Nucky: But I know now. You see, Will? The liquor came from me. I didn’t know and now there’s a problem.

Let me know if we can fix this case…
Gillian Darmody: Oh dear, I must look quite a horror.
Judge Varick: Not at all.
Gillian Darmody: Is there anything I can do to help my situation?
Judge Varick: As I explained …
Gillian Darmody: I mean, right now. Is there anything I can do? Right now?
Judge Varick: Mrs. Darmody… It would be in your best interest to leave these chambers immediately.

Another fix in the works:
ADA Mulherne: The District Attorney asked me to meet with you and answer any questions you might have.
Nucky Thompson: Why isn’t he here?
Mulherne: He had other obligations, regretfully.
Nucky: Let’s cut the bullshit. Your boss and Waxey Gordon had a conversation this morning at my request. And it was agreed that this occurrence, terrible as it was, isn’t anybody’s fault.
Mulherne: That couple outside — they’re Henry Gaines’s parents. Mr. Gaines is a major contributor to the Pennsylvania Republican Party. He’s lost his son and he doesn’t want to hear about life’s random misfortunes. Someone’s gotta answer for this. We just don’t have any choice.

Let’s get your story straight:
Nucky Thompson: Who is Henry Gaines.
Willie Thompson: He was a friend of mine.
Nucky: How much did Henry drink?
Willie: A lot.
Nucky: Who slipped him the Mickey? … The Mickey Finn. The knockout punch. Whatever was in there
Willie: I don’t know.
Nucky: Willie, I have to ask you not to lie just now. It won’t help and frankly, I don’t like it. I need to know what’s true so we can agree on the rest, understood?
Willie: It was supposed to be a gag, that’s all.
Nucky: Whose idea was it?
Willie: Mine.
Nucky: Just yours? Willie…
Wilie: Clayton helped me.
Nucky: Your roommate. And Henry, what did he do to deserve it?
Willie: He thought he was better than me. But he wasn’t.

Yet another fix:
Dunn Purnsley: You far from home, Bo Peep.
Gillian Darmody: Nothing’s very far from anything here, is it?
Dunn Purnsley: What you got tucked up in your little pouch there?
Gillian: May I examine the preparation first?
Dunn: No, you mayn’t.
Gillian: That’s all I’ve got.
Dunn: Then you find that lost sheep somewhere else.
Gillian: Perhaps we could discuss another form of payment?
Dunn: You best go easy now, little Bo. I like my lambs keep coming home.

More than just an uncle:
Willie: Uncle Nucky, I….
Nucky: No lecture. Just a few things I want to say. Whatever occurred, it’s over. Every now and then you’ll think about the terrible thing that happened to a boy whose face you can’t quite remember. I promise, you can live with it.
Willie: Is that what you do?
Nucky: The rage you feel — listen to me carefully — it’s a gift. Use it but don’t let anyone see it. Know that I’m watching over you. Show me the person you intend to be.
Willie: How much did you pay the District Attorney?
Clayton: You’re Willie’s father…
Nucky: No, his uncle. (Nucky leaves).
Clayton: What are we gonna do?
Willie: It’s been taken care of…. I have to study so how about you leave me alone?

Now I know why you’re sick:
Roy Phillips: You were very cold when I found you.
Gillian Darmody: What were doing in the powder room.
Roy: Cleaning this up for you … does it help you?
Gillian: I must repulse you.
Roy: No, I know about weakness. And I know about sin.
Gillian: You don’t know about me… Roy, I’ve done the most awful things.

I know why you left Prussia:
Agent Knox: She worked behind the lingerie counter. How long did that last?
Eddie: Not long.
Knox: So much for happiness, huh, Ed?
Eddie: I am a legal resident of the United States.
Knox: You are what I say you are and I say you don’t belong here.
Eddie: Then deport me.
Knox: Wer reitet so spät durch Nacht und Wind? Es ist der Vater mit seinem Kind
Knox: Your boys, Konrad and Lucas, they’re grown men now.
Agent 2: Lucas has a son of his own.
Knox: They changed their last name … to escape the shame their father, the thief, the liar — the traitor — brought upon them. Six days from now you’ll be in the custody of the Hanover police and you and your boys can get reacquainted.
Eddie: What do you want from me?

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