Final Jeopardy: New York Times Book Reviews (6-10-24)

Today’s Final Jeopardy question (6/10/2024) in the category “New York Times Book Reviews” was:

In 1958 a review of this book now considered a classic called it repulsive, disgusting & “highbrow pornography”

8x champ Adriana Harmeyer, an archivist from West Lafayette, IN, has now won $183,100. In Game 9, she is up against: Aaron Lemos, a H.S. video production teacher from Northridge, CA; and Josh Fry, a software developer, orig. from Peachtree Corners, GA.

Round 1 Categories: Capitals & Their Airports – Bunny Lit – Well, That Happened – Time for Some Drugs – Duets With Dads – Find “Out”

Josh found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “Capitals & Their Airports” under the $800 clue on the 16th pick of the round. He was in second place with $2,800, $1,000 less than Adriana’s lead. Josh made it a true Daily Double and said Amman. That was WRONG.

King Khalid International is its gateway show

Adriana finished in the lead with $3,000. Aaron and Josh were tied in second with $1,600. All clues were shown.

Round 2 Categories: Senate History – The Animal Kingdom – Monuments & Memorials – There’s Gold in Your Future – They Directed Themselves – Emotions

Adriana found the first Daily Double in “Monuments & Memorials” under the $1,200 clue on the 13th pick of the round. She was in the lead with $9,800, $4,200 more than Josh in second place. Adriana bet $1,500 and she was RIGHT.

The Washington, D.C. area memorial to this service branch depicts a flag-raising on Mount Suribachi show

Josh found the last Daily Double in “The Animal Kingdom” under the $1,600 clue, with 8 clues left after it. He was in second place with $7,200, $3,300 less than Adriana’s lead. Josh bet $1,500 and he was RIGHT.

Rats must gnaw constantly because these teeth whose name means “cutter” grow their whole lives, around 4-5 inches per year show

Adriana finished in the lead with $12,100. Josh was second with $10,700 and Aaron was last with $1,600. All clues were shown.

Only ONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.


“Lolita” by Vladimir Nabokov was first published in the USA in 1958. Orville Prescott, for the New York Times, is the one who wrote the scathing 8/18/1958 review, stating: “Mr. Nabokov, whose English vocabulary would astound the editors of the Oxford Dictionary, does not write cheap pornography. He writes highbrow pornography.” Prescott’s particular gripe appears to be Nabokov’s use of “middle-aged European intellectual and pervert” Humbert as the narrator: “To describe such a perversion with the pervert’s enthusiasm without being disgusting is impossible. If Mr. Nabokov tried to do so he failed.”

On the 62nd anniversary of the American publication of “Lolita”, Literary Hub re-published a number of book reviews, including Prescott’s and a 30th anniversary NYT review from Erica Jong.

Aaron thought it was “Portnoy’s Complaint”. He bet and lost his whole $1,600.

Josh went with “The Catcher in the Rye”. That cost him $1,401 and left him with $9,299.

Adriana got it right. She bet $9,500 and won the game with $21,600. Adriana’s 9-day total is $204,700.

Final Jeopardy (6/10/2024) Adriana Harmeyer, Aaron Lemos, Josh Fry

2 triple stumpers from MONUMENTS & MEMORIALS:

($800) Begun in 1885 & inaugurated in 1911, the Victor Emmanuel II monument commemorates the unification of this country

($2000) A memorial to the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire was dedicated in 2023 on Washington Place in the heart of this New York City area

More clues on Page 2

2 years ago: Only ONE of the players got this FJ in “GREEK MYTHOLOGY”

Of the Argonauts seeking the Golden Fleece, these 2 from the same family were from Sparta according to Homer show


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10 Responses

  1. Howard says:

    I should have known the Final. My parents were avid readers and read many best-sellers, including that one, I’m sure. I saw two versions of the movie but never read the book. Nice recovery by Adriana to nail that one. Aaron was about 11 years off with his guess. That one I did read.

    Thought all 3 DDs were pretty easy. Josh, who recovered nicely, blew the first one, which ultimately made his score $5600 less. Semi-shocked no one knew Victor Emmanuel’s country. Totally shocked “carbonate” was a triple stumper. The Senate rule was tough but hardly impossible, and after two wrong guesses, the third player should have nailed the motorcycle maker.

    Adriana had an unusual amount of wrong answers, including the Emma Stone boo-boo, but it didn’t matter in the long run.

    • Jason says:

      Again, concur. The carbonate – really?? And the Gold Wing?

      I got Victor Emmanuel. Was 3/3 on DD, but missed Final.

      VJ, I think the Emotions TS is 2 grand, not 12.

      • VJ says:

        @Jason, I checked the recording and, in one of those rare instances when I’m right, it’s $1,200 🤣

        • Howard says:

          Now it’s showing as $12000!

        • VJ says:

          That must be what made Jason think is was 2000

        • Steve says:

          Don’t be too hard on yourself, VJ. You do a fine job. It’s just might seem that way to you because more people pick out little mistakes than acknowledging the great recaps now and then. I often learn a lot from the websites you direct us to.

        • VJ says:

          Thanks, Steve, but I don’t feel too bad. Compliments and corrections are both appreciated, esp. now. My eyesight is pretty bad and I’m afraid it’s going to get worse before it gets better. I’ll be having a procedure on my right eye in August (after this season ends). Then, I hope I’ll be able to see a lot better when Season 41 rolls around.

  2. Rick says:

    I did pretty well in the game, but didn’t get the FJ. Then again, why would anyone want to read such a book?

  3. Richard Corliss says:

    Adriana, you go girl!

  4. Kevin Cheng says:

    Adriana is the first player to win 9 games since Ben Chan did last year. She will try to become the 17th player to win 10 games tomorrow.