Final Jeopardy: Notorious Figures (3-25-24)
The Final Jeopardy question (3/25/2024) in the category “Notorious Figures” was:
Never even a soldier, this man lied that his nickname came from a shrapnel wound while fighting in the Argonne
Jeopardy! is kicking off a week of quarterfinal matches in its Invitational Tournament of Champions with these 3 champs: Celeste Dinucci, an arts strategist from Philadelphia, PA; Austin Rogers, a bar owner & author from New York, NY; and Amy Schneider, a writer from Oakland, CA.
Round 1 Categories: Thinking about the Holy Roman Empire – The Theater – Let’s Get a Drink – So Nice, We Need the Answer Twice – Name that Toon – Words Read Backwards
Austin found the Jeopardy! round Daily Double in “Let’s Get a Drink” under the $1,000 clue on the 12th pick of the round. He was in second place with $1,600, $1,200 less than Amy’s lead. Austin bet it all and he was RIGHT.
One origin story of this cocktail involves the early morning hours after a long night in Sausalito show
Amy finished in the lead with $7,600. Austin was in second place with $5,600. Celeste was last with $2,400. All clues were shown.
Round 2 Categories: Panhandle States – The Grammys’ Great Moments – Marine Biology – Iamb a Poet – Five Guys – Say It in Latin
Amy found the first Daily Double in “Panhandle” under the $1,600 clue on the 4th pick of the round. She was in the lead with $10,800, $5,200 more than Austin in second place. Amy bet $6,000 and she was RIGHT.
West Virginia’s northern panhandle is bordered on the north & west by this river show
Amy found the last Daily Double in “Marine Biology” under the $1,200 clue on the 15th pick of the round. She was in the lead with $27,600, $22,400 more than Austin in second place. Amy bet $1,000 and took a shot at it with angelfish. That was WRONG.
The heaviest bony fish at a weight of more than 6,050 pounds, it has a celestial name & dines mainly on jellyfish show
Amy finished in the lead with a runaway at $28,600. Austin was in second place with $9,600. Celeste was last with $800. All clues were shown.
NONE of the contestants got Final Jeopardy! right.
Apparently, there was a time where Al Capone’s “Lost Batallion” tall tale was swallowed hook, line & sinker by reporters. According to this March 1929 article in the Pittsfield, Massachusetts Berkshire Eagle, “Scarface Al” was a member of the Lost Battalion in 1918 under Major Charles W. Whittlesey. The article states that Capone got the Scarface moniker due to a deep facial gash he received “in a hand-to-hand bayonet encounter with a German soldier when he was a member of the troops led by [Whittlesey] the Pittsfield, Mass. man….” In the TV series, “Boardwalk Empire”, Stephen Graham as Capone tells the bayonet story. I don’t know whether or not the shrapnel version came from Capone.

click on the image for the entire article
The real scoop: While working at the Harvard Inn, a Coney Island dance hall and saloon, Capone made a vulgar remark to a woman he had been admiring. Capone and her enraged brother, Frank Gallucio, got in a fight that ended with Gallucio slashing the left side of Capone’s face 3 times.
Celeste wrote down “Bullitt”, a 1968 film starring Steve McQueen as Det. Frank Bullitt. Celeste bet and lost her whole $800.
Austin wanted to know how he could beat Amy. Maybe someday, Austin. He lost his $1,696 and finished with $7,904.
Amy went with Colonel Parker, Elvis Presley’s manager who was a 9-year-old Dutch boy in 1918. Amy stood pat on her $28,600 since she already won the game and semifinal spot.
2 triple stumpers from FIVE GUYS:
($1200) In 2023 this entrepreneur called the public face of artificial intelligence was out & back in as the head of OpenAI
($2000) This Spanish surrealist whose work is often exhibited with Dali’s painted “Dog Barking at the Moon” in 1926
2 years ago: Only ONE of the players got this FJ in “Singers”
In 2021 at age 95, this singer achieved a Guinness world record for the oldest person to release an album of new material show
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I feel a little sheepish. I thought of WW2, instead of WW1. So, I didn’t get Final.
I don’t know how much a bar costs in NYC. I wonder if it took all of the $411k (minus taxes, of course) Austin won to do it! He looks older now, too.
I did not remember Celeste, at all!
I predict that on Friday, Dhruv Gaur will find a Daily Double before Victoria Groce and Ben Ingram.
Well finally after a couple of consecutive Jeopardy games were preempted by basketball games last week, I finally got to see today’s game. Yes, the FJ was indeed a tough one (which I didn’t get), but I knew that Alphonse Capone received those scars from a brawl.
That was a tough final to start the week as we got a triple stumper.
Well, contrary to my guess, Amy Schneider didn’t beat anyone’s quarterfinal score.
$41,200 Matt Jackson
$40,200 Larissa Kelly
$33,601 Andrew He
$26,800 Amy Schneider
………………but she nevertheless did spectacularly well.
I don’t put a ton of credence in final scores, because they’re often dependent on other players’ pre-FJ totals. If Austin had had, say, $20K, then Amy would have had to wager large in order to top him. In tight games, when 2 or more players hit FJ, the final scores are large. (And she was awfully strong tonight, no surprise. Austin is as likable as ever, but he was extra silly tonight.)
All that said, Amy could have safely wagered $9K and passed Andrew’s total had she known FJ making your prediction come true.