2015’s Worst Passwords
PR Web has published Splash Data’s fifth annual “Worst Passwords” list. The passwords are rated “worst” in terms of being very easy to crack. The No. 1 worst password on there is “123456” with “password” coming in second.
And we find that pretty weird that people can use those passwords at all because most conversations we have had with people about passwords for the last few years has usually been about how a lot of websites won’t accept passwords that don’t have at least one capital letter and one lower case letter and one number. Some even go a step further and make you include a symbol. Some make you change your passwords every 6 months. If you think you can switch back and forth from one password to another, on some sites you will get a message that says try again, you can’t use an old password. Oh, the frustration!
Here’s a link to the List of Worst Passwords for 2015. As you will see, those who like to go with the number sequences have got it covered for websites that want a password with more than 6 characters.
Splash Data provides a free and a pro app for managing passwords so of course they want you to use their product, but if you take a look at their recommendations, it really is a bad idea to use the same password for multiple websites.
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