Oct 27th: Fast Money Round
Fast Money Questions: Jean and Steven were the Fast Money players (original air date: 10/27/15).
1. After how many dates, does a man stop trying to impress.
2. Name a reason you feel nauseous in the morning.
3. Name a word that rhymes with tushy.
4. Name something that gets congested.
5. Name something that makes a man look distinguished.
No. 1 Answers: show
Total for Jean and Steven: 194. Won: $970
Fast Money Questions #2: Kenny and Denzel were the Fast Money players (original air date: 10/27/15)
1. Name a part of the body Grandma or Grandpa might injure in a game of Twister.
2. Name a game that a person might play in a bar.
3. Tell me how many pounds a newborn baby weighs.
4. Name something that birds are busy doing all day.
5. Name something you put on your hands
No. 1 Answers: show
Total for Kenny and Denzel: 191. Last day for the Henry Family:
5-day total $23,590 plus a new car.
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