Weakest Link R6-7 Quiz (9/29/2020)

Here are the clues from Round 6 of “The Weakest Link” (9/29/2020) with host Jane Lynch. We are down to 3 players now.

This round is worth a potential $500,000. The 3 players that are left would have to answer 8 questions in a row to get there. Hopefully, they’ll be able to get higher than in any previous round. Every time someone gives a wrong answer, the questions start at $2,500. They also have the option to hit the button and say BANK. Whatever money has been earned at that point would be safe but they start at $2,500 again. They have banked $47,500 so far and it’s their last chance to beef that up.

$2500 (Jay) Originally founded in 1919, what company delivers packages in an iconic brown truck?

$5000 (Angel) Red or white: which type of wine is a chardonnay? BANK

$2500 (Reanna) At over one inch tall and over four inches wide, the largest signature on the Declaration of Independence belongs to what founding father?

$2500 (Jay) Mad scientist Rick Sanchez and his grandson are the title characters on what Emmy-winning animated television series?

$5000 (Angel) What Oscar-winning film set in Mexico shares its name with a variety of tomato?

$2500 (Reanna) Used in schools, the yellow Ticonderoga No. 2 is a popular brand of what product? BANK


$2500 (Jay) What short-form video app has a name that sounds exactly like a hit song by singer Kesha?

$5000 (Angel) What future Supreme Court justice founded the NAACP Legal Defense Fund? BANK

$2500 (Reanna) What Jewish holiday traditionally includes a seder on the first night?

$2500 (Tiffany) What first name starting with “E” was Tiger Woods born with? BANK

$2500 (Angel) Ignacio Anaya is credited with inventing what appetizer consisting of tortilla chips covered in melted cheese? (Jane only got as far as “inventing” when time ran out so Angel did not get to answer it.)


Jane Lynch Quotes:
• Out of a possible half million dollars, you banked an appalling and disappointing $15,000. So, team, for the entire show, you only banked $62,500.
• Who’s about to be enlisted in the witless protection program?
• Who thinks Quentin Tarantino is an entree at Olive Garden?

Reanna was the weakest link.

FINAL ROUND: Jay and Angel have to answer 5 questions each. “No voting, no chain making, no banking, just $62,500 for the one who give me the most correct answers.”

1. Traditionally, rocky road is made of chocolate ice cream, nuts, and what spongy ingredient?
2. How many members are in the Korean boy band BTS?
3. Who was the first actor to win an Oscar for portraying the character of the Joker?
4. Which breed of dog was named for the patron saint of skiers and mountaineers?
5. The islets of Langerhorns are found inside which human organ?

ANSWERS: [spoiler]1. marshmallows (Jay: cake)
2. seven
3. Heath Ledger
4. Saint Bernard
5. pancreas (Jay: eye)

1. An out-of-work pitcher invented what slotted plastic ball so kids could throw curveballs?
2. Because it vibrates when electrically charged, what crystal is often used in timepieces?
3. There are approximately 900 million eligible voters in what largest democracy in the world?
4. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos also owns what east-coast newspaper?
5. Any experienced diver should know that the letters in the word “SCUBA” stand for what?

ANSWERS: [spoiler]1. Wiffle Ball
2. quartz
3. India (Angel: the United States)
4. Washington Post
5. Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus

Jane Lynch: Angel, you are our winner, and you’ll leave here with $62,500. Maybe I misjudged you. Nice work.
Angel (in Klingon) “Today’s a good day to win.”

Jane Lynch: Jay, you’re not leaving empty-handed. You’ve got your car keys. You got your parking ticket and I’m sorry to say we don’t validate. You leave with my respect.
Jay: “I don’t need that right now”

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