The Family Season Finale: Somebody’s Dead, Just Not Who You Thought

Remember back in “All the Livelong Day”, Episode 7 of The Family? Claire found out that Ben was not Adam and Willa exclaimed “Your son is dead.” Speculation that Adam might still be alive was put to rest by Jenna Bans, the show’s creator, in a 4/10/16 TV Guide article in which she said “Yes, he is dead. In the writers’ room, we knew for so long Adam was dead….” Well, in the season finale “What Took So Long”, it turns out that Adam is very much alive, he still knows his phone number and when he calls up the Warren house, he gets Ben on the phone and tells him: “You took my life. I’m coming to get it back”.

Now, in a 5/15/16 TV Line article, Jenna Bans says that bringing Adam back “was always part of the pitch, and it was always a way for me to give the series longevity and not just make it about this central mystery.” She can’t remember if they had second thoughts about resurrecting Adam and apparently, doesn’t remember saying he was really dead in the other article.

So who is dead? Bridey Cruz! Bridey told Willa that she found Ben’s mom and was going to run her story. Predictably, Willa outlined how she was going to deal with that and was convincing enough to make Bridey ask her what she was offering to kill the story — all access to the Governor’s Mansion. Bridey quit her job and when Claire finally got around to making her acceptance speech, you got to see Bridey lying dead in the woods by the bunker as if it was part of Willa’s thoughts while standing on stage. Even if the show wasn’t cancelled, that would mean absolutely nothing.

Doug was planning on killing Gabe Clements before he hightailed it to Canada with Jane and the baby, but Doug was the one who got shot. He’s not dead though. Clements was rescued by Nina Meyer who was finally on a roll and also figured out that there were human remains buried at Doug’s house. They turned out to be those of Eric, the boy Jane told Clements about in “Fun Ways to Tell Your Boyfriend You’re Pregnant” (5-1-16).

After telling Danny that he wasn’t really Adam, Ben left an envelope with the kiss-off money Willa gave him when she got cold feet about going through with their identity-swap plan. Ben went off for parts unknown while Claire went to the bunker and had an imaginary encounter with 10-year-old Adam. Through this experience, she came to forgive Ben for killing Adam (something he didn’t do anyway). She and Willa went on a search, found Ben hitchhiking in the rain and took him home.

Jane and Adam left Doug in the woods and took off with her baby. There’s just no use going into all the huh’s and how comes of Jane knowing Adam was alive and somewhere on the premises the whole time, eating all those Cheerios and probably drinking protein shakes. We’ll never know…. unless all the disgruntled fans on Twitter get their wish and the series gets picked up by NetFlix.

Even if that happens, we probably will never find out what happened to Devan’s bike. Hank almost gave into temptation by giving a 6th grader a lift home but not wanting to be “the monster”, he kicked the kid out of the car and drove off with his bike and scarf. Later, he put the scarf in a box full of “trophies” under his bed.

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7 Responses

  1. Elyse says:

    Best review yet. All encompassing and picking up on the things I was thinking that most other blogs didn’t touch on.

    When Doug met with Ben, it was obviously to let him know that Adam was still alive and he was prepared to square off with Ben to take his life back. That’s why up until they met, Ben was all about identifying and describing him. Then the threat of Adam taking Ben’s new life away changed his motivation to ID Doug and bring him to justice.

    I speculate that Jane only learned about Adam’s existence when she asked – in present tense to Doug – who the second box of Cheerios has been for, that shed been buying as per Doug’s list for a long time.

    I believe Willa confided in Ben and possibly Claire about Bridey knowing the truth and they all had a hand in killing her. There was a line early on, right after Claire found out that Ben was Adam, when she said to Willa, “You’ve covered up worse.” What could be worse than faking a son? Perhaps the geneticist “jumping” in front of a train two days after analyzing Adam’s DNA (a la Frank Underwood and Zoe Barnes); perhaps he was pushed…

    There are so many places this storyline can go…

    • VJ says:

      Thanks for your comment, Elyse. You make a lot of good points. Another thing I thought was they could have done without a lot of those flashbacks. They could have spent that time adding more detail in the present day.

  2. rhonda says:

    Yes, Adam being alive totally ruined it for me, too. The writer clearly stated that Adam was definitely dead and in the later interview made it seem as though she never said that.
    You’d never think Clements had been on the brink of death, you’re right about that. Did he even say that it was Jane who attacked him?
    And what about the 12 year remains that were found? Adam supposedly died 3 months ago, wouldn’t they be able to tell that the remains weren’t nearly so recent?

    • VJ says:

      All I heard him say about it was they didn’t have Doug for him because he never saw Doug — he always sent Jane. So I guess that meant Doug was the one who chained Clements up but he was unconscious when that occurred.

      I guess they would have to run a DNA test on the remains anyhow just to rule out Adam. The 3-month info on when Adam died was from Ben and he never told the police that.

  3. rhonda says:

    The show turned into a total mess last night with that nonsensical ending.

    • VJ says:

      I agree, Rhonda. It became more of a psychological drama. I can see how that appeals to some viewers but I can’t get past the show’s creator putting it out there that they knew from the start Adam was really dead, then reversing that.

      And how about Clements? He was in remarkably good shape for someone who nearly bled to death in a dirty basement and had his thumb sawed off. :):)