The Family: Ben Appendix, Adam No Appendix

Bridey’s got the goods but Willa’s got the cover story
We learned that Adam is an impostor at the very end of the last episode of “The Family” when Bridey told her boss about the results of the paternity test she had done with that stolen Q-tip. In “Nowhere Man” (4/3/2016), Bridey confronts Willa with her evidence, not in a threatening way. It was almost apologetic. But Willa certainly felt threatened. She attacked Bridey verbally and had an explanation right on the tip of her tongue. Adam is her brother but he is not her father’s son. “Print this trash,” she says, “and you shatter a kid who spent 10 years missing a man he thought was his father,” quite a bold move considering later developments. So Bridey held off.
But Claire found out anyway. They set up a big thing in the mall to catch Doug but Adam became sick after seeing him and landed in the hospital, needing a quick surgical procedure. Doug sent flowers with a card to “Ben.” Claire believed they were sent to the wrong room until — dum de dum dum — the doctor informed her that the kid in the bed has an appendix, something her real son no longer had after the age of 5. Claire went to the sleeping boy and called him Adam. No response. Practically crying, she called him Ben. He woke up and she knew.

Claire learns the disturbing truth.
So what do we call this kid now? Adam/Ben? No no no. Ben/Adam because he’s really Ben and not Adam.
Claire’s a smart woman. Besides figuring out pretty quickly that crazy Willa is behind this, she must also realize that Willa and Ben know what really happened to Adam.
They also showed that Doug was definitely the person that snatched the real Adam. But for some reason, Hank is still around. Worse, the bakery girl was so impressed with his ability to eat an entire cake in one sitting that she tried to have sex with him. We just can’t even finish the rest of this after seeing that!
Sigh. They really need to stop making shows where there are no characters to like.
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Why indeed is Hank still around? And why would the girl from the bakery have a thing for him? That scene at his house was mortifying.
What a very odd show this is and yet I keep watching it.
Yes, Rhonda, I keep watching too. Drunk Danny is the only one I like at this point and not even that much. LOL!! I felt some sympathy for Hank in his quest for justice from the Warren family but after that stuff with the bat last week? Nah.