Teachers Tournament Rerun: 9-4-17 Semi-Final No. 1

Today’s Jeopardy match originally aired on May 15, 2017. It was the first semi-final match of the 2017 Teachers Tournament. The players were: Gail Ansheles, Sara Holub and David Clemmons.


There’s a list of clues over here from this match, including the “In The Bookstores” category. The FJ category was “The Pulitzer Prizes.” Here are a half dozen prior FJs that dealt with the same topic.

03/06/2014 PULITZER PRIZE-WINNING AUTHORS: He’s the most recent winner of 2 Pulitzer prizes for fiction, winning in 1982 & 1991 for books in the same series

07/19/2013 PULITZER PRIZE-WINNING NOVELS: Its first line is “A green hunting cap squeezed on the top of the fleshy balloon of a head”

10/29/2009 THE PULITZER PRIZE FOR DRAMA: 1 of the 2 1-word plays, winners in 2001 & 2005, which both became movies; if you have one, you want the other

Answers: show

12/28/2005 PULITZER PRIZE-WINNING PLAYS: This play says “Then transfer to one called Cemeteries and ride six blocks and get off at–Elysian Fields!”

09/27/2004 PULITZER PRIZE WINNERS: 1 of the 2 novels, both Southern, that won the Pulitzer for fiction & became Best Picture Oscar winners

05/09/2002 PULITZER PRIZE-WINNING BOOKS: One of its title studies is Sen. Edmund Ross’ 1868 vote against convicting President Andrew Johnson

Answers: show

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