Tagged: recaps

Bunheads Nutcracker Recap

It turns out the August 20th episode (Nutcrackers in Paradise) of Bunheads is really the mid-season finale. ABC Family has ordered some more episodes.  The movie references were coming fast...

Dallas: Revelations Recap

Oh, how we hate the Season Finale (8/8/12) of Dallas, but only because that means there will be no more episodes until the second season, but — at least for the...

Dallas: Family Business Recap

Before we could look deeper into the prison life of John Ross Ewing, he was back on Southfork sticking his tongue down the throat of the lovely Elena. And we...

Bunheads: What’s Your Damage Recap

Michelle is teaching and teaching and teaching. She’s not only got her own classes, she’s got Fanny’s and guess what? After an exhausting class with little kids who have to...

Secret Life: Girlfriends Recap

In “Girlfriends” (7/31/2012), Kathy makes two new friends that Ethan hates. Well, you know that song — hate is a strong word, but he really really really don’t like them....

Dallas: No Good Deed Recap

Elena and John Ross sit in the interrogation room at the police station. John Ross has to explain how he ended up in Fake Marta’s room. An officer comes in...